Quilt No.351GPM - Griffith Pioneer Park Museum

Griffith Pioneer Park Museum
Griffith Pioneer Park Museum
NSW Riverina
Fanny Matilda Elliott
Made in
1881 - 1900
Patchwork quilt made from hexagon patches of cotton, silk, brocade, sateen and wool. Some silk patches are individually lined. Colours are mainly red, blues, purple, black, yellow and brown, with some pastels. Many silk patches have disintegrated, showing the paper templates. Quilt has a brown cotton inner lining, then a blue cotton backing, and is edged on the reverse with checked silk. Hand sewn by more than one person: one experienced sewer, one not so experienced.
1370 x 1170mm

Made in 1886 at Middleton Stoney, Oxfordshire, England, by Mrs Fanny Matilda Elliott (born East, 1860-1934). Previously owned by Fanny's daughter, Olive Avenell Scott (born Elliott, 1899-1991). Donated to the Griffith Pioneer Park Museum, Griffith NSW.


Fanny Elliott's husband was a tailor, and the quilt was made from scraps from the Tailor's shop.
In 1923 Fanny's daughter Olive came to Australia and brought the quilt with her. She had met Mr Doug Scott in England during the war years (1916-1918) and they had struck up a relationship, so Olive came out to marry him.
Doug and Olive lived out on the farm at Lake Wyangan, which they had bought in the 1920s. The farm is run by their son Frank, who remembers the quilt being used on beds when he was growing up.

Fanny Matilda Elliott
Fanny Matilda Elliott
Olive Avenell Scott
Olive Avenell Scott

Related Quilts:

Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery
Patchwork quilt made from silk and challis and velvet hexagons set to form diamond shapes. The centre shape has 8 hexagons surrounded by a row of 16 hexagons. The outer border of the quilt is 2 rows of 'Tumbling Blocks' set amongst a variety of black silk and satin patches. There is a wide fringe in red, green, blue and yellow. There is no padding and the backing is a recent addition in red cotton, synthetis mix.
1770 x 1740mm
Margaret McMillan
Cotton log cabin double bed quilt. Each square has 52 pieces (i.e. 13 pieces x 4 to make a square). There are 192 squares so a total of 10.092 pieces. There is probably no padding. The backing is calico with a floral pattern done in running stitch.
2200 x 2200mm
Sandra Jones
Crazy patchwork quilt in silks and velvets. Centre circle of embroidered flowers and outer border of diamonds in tunbling block pattern. Most pieces have embroidered flowers and all joins are embroidered in fancy stitches. The owner's mother had a pink silk quilted backing and a thick edge cord added to the quilt by Rocke's of Collins street Melbourne c.1960
1620 x 1595mm
Robert O'Hara Burke Memorial Museum
Miniature crazy quilt either for a baby or a doll. Plain and patterned materials including velvet, satin, sateen and brocade. 4 patches are embroidered and the central patch has a hand painted flower. Each patch is embroidered around the edge with a variation of feather stitch. It has a brown binding and lace edge. The backing is twill cotton.
490 x 390mm
Beryl Warne
The quilt's construction is cotton patches about 170mm square joined in strips and then the strips joined. The border and backing are pale lemon coloured cotton lawn. The padding is an old woollen blanket. There is ric-rac braid around the border of the top.
2180 x 1420mm
Peter and Jan Newman
Suffolk Puff quilt with puffs mainly in patterned cotton pieces saved from 60 years of household sewing. Puffs are formed into rosettes and the holes are on the top making a decorative feature. It is hand sewn.
2700 x 2400mm.