Quilt No.430DW - Darling Whitehouse
The quilt is made from pure silk scraps from Queen Victoria's dresses. The owner estimates there are about 4000 diamond shapes. There is a square of yellow silk as a centrepiece with the initial 'W' on it.
2033 x 1829mm
2033 x 1829mm
The quilt has been owned by William Wellesley-Whitehouse, Stuart Wellesley-Whitehouse, Michael Wellesley-Whitehouse and now Dominic Wellesley-Whitehouse but held by his mother Darling Whitehouse. It is still used occasionally but is usually stored in a cupboard.
"The quilt was made by a lady at Queen Victoria's residence. She was a Wellesley and when she married a Whitehouse attached Wellesley to her surname. We are lucky to still have the quilt - Stuart's house was flattened during the war."
[Darling Whitehouse 2.4.98]
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661 a 649mm
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2236 x 1829mm
2236 x 1829mm
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2235 x 2065mm