Quilt No.812QVM - Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery

Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery
Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery
TAS Country
Minnie McLoughlin
Made in
1881 - 1900
Quilt has a centre panel of white velvet roses and green leaves with embroidered spider webs, on red velvet. Two side panels are in crazy patchwork in plain and patterned silks and velvets. All patches are edged with feather, herringbone or blanket stitch. Many patches are embroidered, including 'Minnie', 'Good Luck', birds, flowers, anchor, boat, fish, shell, spider web, crown,, 2 crossed flags, tennis racquets, Australian motifs including wattle. The centre panel has a row of ruched olive green ribbon each side and the whole quilt has a border of dark blue velvet. The padding is cotton...

The quilt was made by Minnie Lucy Violet McLoughlin in Tasmania about 1895. It was made for her trousseau and embroidery on patches includes hearts, linked rings, blue birds, initials and sea related motifs. It is believed that Minnie was jilted and in 1915 she gave the quilt to Elsie Whelan on her marriage to Charles Brown. Elsie was the daughter of Minnie's friend Annie Whelan. Elsie and Charles gave the quilt to their son Terence in 1942 on the occasion of his marriage to Beryl.
The Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery acquired Minnie's quilt in 1999 with the assistance of the Tasmanian Quilters' Guild and the Launceston Patchworkers and Quilters Inc.


Minnie was born 28 August 1878 in Hobart to Joseph and Mary (born Woods) McLoughlin, their 6th child.

Related Quilts:

Pioneer Settlement Authority
Cot quilt of cotton hexagons. There is a central diamond of hexagons and then a repeat diamond motif radiating to the edge. Each hexagon is 40mm. The backing is sheeting or similar and the padding is dacron type.
1200 x 700mm
National Gallery of Australia
" Reversible patchwork quilt of woollen suiting/upholstery fabrics in khaki, greys, blues and browns. Both sides have different designs. The front of the quilt has 13 rows of 12 vertical rectangles flanked on either side by a column of 22 horizontal rectangles. The reverse has a more interesting and complex design of small and very large rectangles, squares and triangles; with khaki contrasting with the duller greys and blues. The patchwork layers are joined at the edges with machine stitching and the quilt is machine quilted along 3 horizontal lines following joins in the patchwork; therefore not being totally straight. These lines are more noticeable on the reverse. The reverse face has been on display at the NGA." [NGA] There is a cotton blanket used as padding. 2054 x 1451mm
National Trust of Australia (VIC))
Patchwork quilt, log cabin pattern. Made of strips of dark and light material arranged to produce strongly contrasting bands running diagonally across the quilt. Colours are mainly pinks and blues in small floral and paisley cotton prints. There is no padding.
1310 x 1140mm
N.S.W. Parks and Wildlife Service
Double sided quilt. One side is different shapes including rectangles in various sizes in wools and men's suiting material. It is hand pieced. The pther side is mainly cottons in florals of different patterns joined in strips of varying width and machine and hand pieced. There is a 25mm binding. The padding is an old blanket.
National Gallery of Australia
" A wide range of cotton fabrics have been used to make this quilt in the traditional log cabin style. The strips of the log cabin are joined by rows being hand sewn onto a small square backing fabric, each square of strips has then been hand sewn together to form the quilt. The work is backed with a sateen printed fabric decorated with paisley design. A strip of the lining trims the edge of the front face of the quilt. The lining is attached with machine stitching. There are numerous tacking stitches that remain in the front face of the quilt. There are approx 9000 pieces in the quilt, most being only 5mm in width.
The quilt is of three layers because the strips of the log cabin are attached to a backing piece, and then the quilt is lined; however it is not padded." [NGA]
Ankie King
Small square piece of crazy patchwork in silks and taffetas. Many of the seams are oversewn with decorative embroidery stitches. There is a calico backing.
550 x 550mm