Quilt No.675OHM - Oakey Historical Museum Society Inc.

Oakey Historical Museum Society Inc.
Oakey Historical Museum Society Inc.
QLD South West
Made in
1881 - 1900
Cotton patchwork cover constructed from hand sewn hexagons (65mm) in cotton and linen furnishing materials. The curved edges are bound with blue and cream printed striped cotton. The backing material is not visible.
941 x 261mm

This quilt is said to be Australian and the label inside the display cabinet reads: "Handsewn patch work quilt Over 100 years old Donated by Terry Smith Country Club Hotel Oakey 6-3-79".

Related Quilts:

Annette Gero
The top is mainly squares of flannel machined together with patches of dress materials stitched randomly on top. There is no padding and the backing is calico. The top and backing are held together by a binding only. It is one of a pair.
2010 x 1680mm
Barbara McCabe
Patchwork quilt made from rectangles and squares of woollen fabrics from dress making projects. Colours are mainly grey, blue, brown, green, with some red and yellow. Fabrics are plain, cheks and stripes. No padding or quilting. Backing is made of white flannelette sheets. The quilt has been lengthened after it was completed, and the backing sheet has been added to at the same place.
2470 x 1320mm
Sharon Lord
Cotton quilt, machine sewn and hand quilted. Pattern similar to Double Irish Chain. The background is white and the small squares mainly patterned in pinks, blues, lilacs and greens. The backing is plain white cotton and the padding, which is lumpy, could be some type of cotton.
2057 x 1220mm
National Trust of Australia (SA)
Patchwork frame quilt made from cotton prints. Quilt centre has four pieced squares set within a star shaped border of square patches, set within a square frame (74cm square) edged with half triangles, then set within a red frame (114cm x 114 cm), diamond shaped or 'on point'. In the 4 triangles are double diamond shapes, then a wide border of squares and 'square within a square' patches with red triangles. Red binding. Padding is probably wool. Backing is a cotton print in browns in a floral paisley. All over quilting. Handsewn.
1880 x 1850mm
Ella Jarvis
Quilt made with a rectangular centre panel of cotton fabric printed with red poppies and black flowers in a japanese style. The panel is surrounded by a wide black satin border. The backing is of black cotton, covering a previous backing of green floral cotton fabric. The padding is feathers.
1700 x 1370mm
National Musuem of Australia
Patchwork quilt with alternate squares of green and fawn cotton headcloth. Various Australian wild flowers are embroidered in coloured threads in the green squares. In the fawn squares there is a stylised flower and leaf pattern outlined in embroidery. The border, front and back is green headcloth. The backing is printed cotton with a floral design. There is some padding.
1610 x 1610mm