Friends of Woodman Point Recreation Camp
The primary purpose of Friends of Woodman Point Recreation Camp (Inc) is to manage the community use of a former quarantine station hospital building at Woodman Point Recreation Camp; to support groups that use the facility; and to assist the Department of Sport and Recreation and the Department of Environment and Conservation with interpretation and conservation tasks at other Park sites.
The Isolation Hospital's first use was to treat people with bubonic plague (1900-1905). From then until the 1970s, patients suffering from smallpox, Spanish 'flu, and other infectious diseases, or those arriving in Australia without valid certificates of immunisation, were held there, or at other buildings in the Woodman Point Quarantine Station complex.
Most of the rooms are now available for day use. A grant from the City of Cockburn has enabled Friends to partially equip the kitchen and it is hoped that a pending grant with Lotterywest will fund the completition of the kitchen, and provide disabled toilet facilities.
Donations of moveable heritage objects with provenance to the quarantine station are currently being accepted by the Department of Sport and Recreation. Cataloguing of a small on site collection will commence soon.