Quilt No.423BB - Barbara Bullock
2170 x 1970mm
Elizabeth Hart made the cover when she was living on a farm north of Toowooomba Qld. It passed by maternal descent to L.Bach her daughter and then to the present owner Barabara Bullock, Elizabeth's grand-daughter. It is not used now and is on loan to the Rosalie Shire Historical Musum for display purposes only.
"As mentioned, this quilt was entirely hand made. My grand parents had settled here on the Darling Downs in 1902, previously having lived in South Australia. They still had the Adelaide Chronicle sent weekly and this is where my grandmother obtained the wild flower designs, getting a different one each week as they were published. There was no electricity on the farm so this would have been worked with the aid of a kerosene lamp. Daylight hours were certainly not used for such frivolities as fancy work and not a stitch would be sewn on Sunday."
[Barbara Bullock 24.11.97]

Related Quilts:
1626 x 1271mm
The centre field is bounded by two strip-pieced borders at top and bottom, and three down each side. These are sewn from rectangles, using light pink/brown tones for the inner border and darker colours for the outer borders. The quilt is padded and backed and the side seams are secured with black herringbone stitch. The three layers are tied together invisibly with lazy daisy stitches in black cotton from the back." [PHM] The padding is a wool blanket and the backing is two pieces of cream twill cotton.
2030 x 1440mm
1940 x 1300mm