Quilt No.1006JC - Josephine Curtis

Josephine Curtis
Josephine Curtis
NSW Sydney
Valencia Venn
Made in
1941 - 1970
Taylor's sample quilt made from men's suit swatches, mainly greys and blues. Edging is 6cms wide, of blue flannelette. Padding is an old grey blanket, and the backing is of printed pattern corduroy. 1680 x 920 mm.

Quilt was made by Mrs Valencia Venn in Glenbrook, in 1960. It was then owned by Mrs M Rowe (born Curtis), and is now owned by Mrs Josephine Curtis, daughter of the maker.


"The quilt shown in the enclosed photograph was originally made by my mother Mrs Valencia Venn (born 1892 died 1985) from the material pieces of men's suit swatches in 1960. The swatches came from her nephew's menswear shop which was situated in Liverpool NSW.
Mrs Venn was handicrafts officer of the Glenbrook branch of the CWA for many years.
Mrs Venn was a busy seamstress whose main work was making ballet tutu's for the Sydney Royal Academy of Dancing, and also stage costumes. She also started the CWA Handcraft classes in Glenbrook NSW.
Apart from this quilt two others were made for her grandchildren. All of these quilts were well used over the ensuing years." [Josephine Curtis]
The swatches came from Ingall's Men's Centre, 51 Scott Street, Liverpool NSW.

Mrs Valencia Venn, maker of quilt
Mrs Valencia Venn, maker of quilt
House in which quilt was made.<br />4 Lagoon Drive (previously Mark Street) Glenbrook NSW
House in which quilt was made.
4 Lagoon Drive (previously Mark Street) Glenbrook NSW
R.A.D regulation tu-tu, 1974. Worn by Jospehine Curtis (born Venn).
R.A.D regulation tu-tu, 1974. Worn by Jospehine Curtis (born Venn).
R.A.D regulation tu-tu, 1974. Worn by Michelle Rowe (born Curtis).
R.A.D regulation tu-tu, 1974. Worn by Michelle Rowe (born Curtis).

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