Quilt No.874NTNW - National Trust of Australia (NSW)
Quilt in frame style patchwork with applique and broderie Perse applique in printed cottons and linens with silk embroidery. The centre frame has an octagonal shape of floral printed material appliqued on to cream linen surrounded by pieced and appliqued triangles and sashing of printed cotton. Above the frame is embroidered in dull gold silk in cross stitch 'Mary Moxey 1818 Emma Tremlett Born Decr 16th 1837'. Outer borders are pieced and appliqued diamonds and hexagons separated by printed sashing. The quilt is backed with cream linen.
2405 x 2373mm
2405 x 2373mm
The quilt was made in England and Australia after 1837 and is provenanced to Mary Moxey of Williamtown NSW. It is now one of the quilts in the National Trust (NSW) Collection.
Related Quilts:
Handmade quilt in off centre log cabin pattern. Pieces are floral furnishing and dress fabrics, in twenty blocks. There is no padding, and backing is of bright floral cotton. 1900 x 1500 mm.
Square quilt top. Floral centre piece with borders of squares set in a diamond pattern. Squares are in plain colours and patterns. There is no padding or backing.
920 x 920mm
920 x 920mm
Hexagon quilt made from dressmaking scraps from one neice. The quilt top only is complete and a few papers are still attached.
2250 x 2000mm
2250 x 2000mm
Hexagon quilt in dress and shirting cottons constructed in frame style with a centre rosette of 7 patches surrounded by 4 borders of patterned hexagons alternating with cream patches. The quilt has an inner border of triangles then rows of rosettes alternating with cream patches. The outer border is triangles. There is no padding. The backing is cream linen and has had a 20th century white cotton sateen slipstitched to it.
2045 x 1940mm
2045 x 1940mm
The top is machine pieced patches of used clothing. The backing is large pieces of dress materials and either end patches similar to the top. The padding is a chaff bag or similar with patches of worn, matted children's jumpers sewn directly on to it.
1400 x 1150mm
1400 x 1150mm
Hexagon quilt constructed over papers; all seams oversewn with featherstitch embroidery. Materials are vyella and clydella scraps from childhood dresses of the maker's first four children, augmented with scraps from a dressmaker and a book of samples. There is no padding; backing is plain, pale blue, brushed cotton.
2200 x 1720 mm.
2200 x 1720 mm.