Quilt No.848AG - Annette Gero

Cotton frame quilt with a diamond in the centre of the frame and a border of straight pieces. The outer border is diamonds. The quilt is hand sewn and hand quilted.
1910 x 1830mm
1910 x 1830mm
The quilt is thought to be c.1850 and came from the estate of H.Massie in Tasmania. It is now in the collection of Annette Gero.
"This crib quilt was made in Tasmania and reflects the fabrics which were typical of the era and also those imported into Australia in the mid 19th century. Note how it is a central medallion style, which was much more typical of English and Australian 19th century quilts than those made in the USA." [Annette Gero]
Related Quilts:
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1651 x 1220mm
1651 x 1220mm
Cotton patchwork quilt in double wedding ring pattern in pastel prints. Quilted in a design of geometric flowers. Padding is probably cotton wadding, backing is cream calico. 2270 x 1970 mm.
Cotton scrap quilt in a pattern known as 'Grandmothers Fan'. It is hand quilted. The padding is hand carded cotton and the backing is muslin.
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2235 x 1880mm
Patchwork crazy quilt in velvets and silks, no pieces over 4" long. Colours are black, maroon, pinks, blues and pastels, and all seams embroidered with coloured silks in herringbone stitch. Backing is green, there is no padding. Quilt is bound with black velvet 1/2" wide. A patch near the centre is embroidered: '1909' and '1948'.
940 x 915mm
940 x 915mm
Double sided silk quilt. One side is paisley designs and the reverse plain silk . Machine pieced. There is a thin padding possibly sheeting.
2694 x 2287mm
2694 x 2287mm
Patchwork quilt made from hexagons 63mm across in a variety of cotton prints and plains. The bright coloured patches came from children's clothes and dressmaking scraps. The 'set included a large cot cover, a pillow cover and a circular stool cover. No padding. Backing of unbleached calico. Hand sewn.
2300 x 1840mm
2300 x 1840mm