Quilt No.1063NTSA - National Trust of Australia (SA)

National Trust of Australia (SA)
National Trust of Australia (SA)
SA Country
Mary .Perrens
Made in
1901 - 1920
Hand stitched unfinished crazy quilt with patches placed around a centre hexagon pieced in log cabin type strips. Materials are mainly silks and satins and pieces are mounted on grey cotton material. Seams are overstitched in herringbone stitch. 1520 x 760mm

The quilt was made by Mary Perrens in South Australia c.1910. It was inherited by her daughter Miss Eva Perren following the death of her mother in 1957. Eva Perren donated it to the Jamestown National Trust museum in 1970. It is displayed in a glass cabinet at the museum.


Mary Perren (born Mary Honeychurch) was born in England in 1875 and married in Baldina SA in 1907. Her husband was a blacksmith and railway ganger and they had three children: Ed. Phillip b. 1908, Alick John b.1912 and Eva Alice Lucy b. 1914. Mary's husband died the same year Eva was born and Mary had to leave the railway cottage in Jamestown where she had lived for some years and find work to support her family. Both Ed and Eva spent all their lives in Jamestown and their brother Alick was a school teacher.

Related Quilts:

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2040 x 1800mm
Elsie Roberts
Patchwork quilt has a centre of a square within a square, with rows of scraps added around it. The scraps are mainly cotton shirting fabrics and are cut in different sizes and shapes. The two long sides have a narrow red edging folded from the back. The other two sides have been 'bagged'. Filling is an unusual weave thought to be wool. Backing is a pink, red and beige floral cotton.
2080 x 1650mm
Val Ireland
Utilitarian quilt. The padding is pieced used clothing and possibly reused blanket. The top and backing are machine pieced cotton scraps in a wide variety of pattern and colours.
1626 x 1601mm
Margaret Perrott
Cotton quilt top in patter, the owner calls 'Tumblers'. Approximately 590 pieces, with one exception, all different patterns and colours. 2181 x 1980
Lesley Stocker
Suffolk puff quilt with puffs in a variety of fabrics. Very little cotton. Fabrics are satin, polyester, organza, wool (now moth eaten), rayon and silk. There is no padding or backing. 2450 x 2100mm
The Queensland Women's Historical Assoc.
Frame quilt in cotton with cotton backing. Centre square of floral chintz surrounded by 8 smaller squares with floral and probably Egyptian motifs. 4 surrounding frames of plain and patterned cotton in squares, diamonds and strips. Hand stitched and hand quilted. Has been used as a curtain and has metal rings attached to one edge.
3759 x 2286mm