Quilt No.508JR - Name withheld

Name withheld
Name withheld
Made in
1851 - 1880
Quilt top in postage stamp pattern typical of military quilts. 5 x 5 blocks each 280 x 280mm. Colours are predominantly red, black and cream. Thought to have been made using uniform material from the Crimean war
1350 x 1350mm

The quilt was left to the present owner by Miss Willis, a friend. A note was pinned to it "This rug was made by wounded soldiers from the Crimean war who, being destitute, cut up their uniforms and made them into rugs which were sold to benefit the men." Miss Willis died in 1977 in Burnie Tasmania.


The present owner's family lived close to Miss Willis for many years. She had only one brother who died long before her and no children. The owner writes: "She was a very clever woman with a huge variety of craft-work. I was an only child and when I was a little girl she made me the most beautiful doll's clothes and blankets and sheets for my doll's cradle, frilled pillowslips with lemon bows and later she made me a huge wardrobe of clothes for my teenage doll collection. They are so beautiful and detailed. She was a very clever needle-worker. She was also a keen gardener with a great knowledge of plants. She was also a very talented painter. We have 5 of her paintings framed now. They were painted in the 1920s. When I was little Miss Willis wrote me several short stories and illustrated them and made them into books for me. They featured my pet cat and her pet cat.
Miss Willis' great, great grandfather settled in Van Diemans Land in the 1820s with his family and built a fine Georgian home near Campbelltown. I have absolutely no idea from which side of her family the quilt came from, but recently I read in a Tasmanian history book that when called upon to help financially after the Crimean war, Tasmanians responded very well - so maybe it was then that the quilt arrived in the family - however if this is the case it doesn't answer why it has never been lined and padded. (It is the top only.)." [Quilt owner 4.3.1997]

Related Quilts:

Wangaratta Centre Quilters Inc
Irregularly patched from a variety of cotton dress prints, checks, plains and mattress ticking. 1920s and 30s fabrics. Both top and back are similar. Hessian padding. Originally two single quilts, now stitched together.
1850 x 1720mm
Art Gallery of South Australia
Rectangular patchwork crazy quilt pieced in squares (3 across by 4 down), in silks and wool, with red sashing between blocks and red border, quilted. Colours are dark, with red and light blue. Embroidery includes double feather, rope, herringbone, satin, cross, sword edge, buttonhole and coral stitches, and French knots. Embroidered flowers include lily of the valley, rose, daisy, and sunflower, also butterflies. Backing is pieced in the frame style, with a large centre red square, within 10 frames or borders. Embroidered "In Most Loving Memory of My Darling 1883", "V.H.B." Hand sewn.
1900 x 1500mm
Wanda McPherson
Patchwork quilt made from pure wool suiting samples in shades of navy blue and brown. Quilt is constructed in 11 rows containing 11 pieces. Each piece is 14cm x 9cm. No padding. Backing is of mauve cotton with a floral pattern of closely spaces white/pale mauve flowers.
1480 x 900mm
Joyce Lannin
A hand sewn quilt of more than 6,536 hexagon pieces in cottons, silks and polyester mix. There is a centre circular pattern of hexagons within a larger hexagon and small hexagons form larger hexagons in a random pattern on the quilt top. There is no padding and the backing is a plain fawn sheet with a floral edging in hexagons. 2880 x 2550 mm.
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
Cot quilt of mixed textiles and techniques. Made in sections and stitched together possibly with some padding. It features embroidered and appliqued animals (cats, donkey, elephant, squirrel, birds, kangaroo, emu) and nursery rhyme characters. Materials are cotton, silk, wool, imitation fur. There is a black velvet patch with a cross stitch parrot and embroidered date and initials 'May 1925 AE'. The backing is woven self patterned curtain material. There is a ruffle around the edge in the same material.
1400 x 930mm
N.S.W. Parks and Wildlife Service
The top has a segmented circle in the centre surrounded by a border of small rectangles. The circle is featherstitched on to the background. Materials are wools and cottons and it is hand pieced. The other side appears to have been originally men's suiting materials strip pieced. It is now covered with a children's print in light cotton joined in long rectangles. The padding is coarse heavyweight cotton.
1410 x 1080mm