Katanning Miniature Railway

The Katanning Miniature Railway was established over 25 years ago by Len & Betty Toms. A governing committee was formed in 1995 & now has 4 operating trains including "Heidi" (steam train), "Bits 'N' Pieces" (diesel loco), "Blossum" (diesel loco) & our new train the "Kindy Express" (electric).
Our train station was the original Kendenup Railway Station that was renovated by local service clubs in 1990. Over the years we've benefitted from many LotteryWest & FRRR grants to extend the tracks, build a workshop, fix the roof, purchase trains etc.
We are run by a volunteer base of approximately 12-14 people & are always looking for new volunteers! We operate every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month from 11.30am - 4pm weather permitting. We will also operate for special events subject to volunteer availability.
We have a new electric train called the "Kindy Express". This train was purchased with money kindly donated by the Community Kindy Committee upon their cessation. This money is also being utilised to purchase carriages, 2 sets of bogies, sleepers & steel for a new track & paint.
For any queries please contact Julie Stock on 0458214390 or Derek Stock on 0427212967. Email: abj@westnet.com.au