Quilt No.156WCQ - Wangaratta Centre Quilters Inc

Wangaratta Centre Quilters Inc
Vic North East
Jessie Waldron
Made in
1921 - 1940
Irregularly patched from a variety of cotton dress prints, checks, plains and mattress ticking. 1920s and 30s fabrics. Both top and back are similar. Hessian padding. Originally two single quilts, now stitched together.
1850 x 1720mm
1850 x 1720mm
Made by Jessie Waldron in the Sunraysia district of Victoria. Given to the Wangaratta Centre Quilters by Jessie's son Ted Waldron and his wife Fran.
"Donated to Centre Quilters by Ted and Fran Waldron, Wangaratta. The quilt was made by Ted's mother, Jessie, who lived in the Sunraysia district of Victoria. - the centre of the dried friut industry. The 'batting' in the quilt is hessian - presumably hessian which was used on the drying racks. It appears that this quilt was originally made as 2 single bed quilts and joined together at a later date."
[June Brown for Wangaratta Centre Quilters Inc 5.11.96]
Related Quilts:
Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt. Hexagons are from cotton and polyester material mostly from 'Reverse Garbage' Melbourne. Hand pieced by Rita Fiddian, the owner. Hand quilted. The padding is wool and the backing cotton.
3049 x 2109mm
3049 x 2109mm
Patchwork quilt made from diamond patches in the 'Cotton Box' pattern, in a wide variety of cotton fabrics, including plains, checks, stripes and florals. The patches have blotting paper templates. The quilt is edged with diamond shapes in a red floral cotton. The backing is of the same red floral pattern, featuring yellow, turquoise and white flowers and leaves. Hand sewn.
2135 x 2033mm
2135 x 2033mm
Cotton quilt made in the USA. The pattern is called 'Turkey Tracks'. It has a cotton backing and a bottle green binding. The red patches have faded to pink. The quilt is hand pieced and hand quilted. Two names are written on tape sewn on the back viz: Cora Phelps and M.Hoover.
2135 x 1727mm
2135 x 1727mm
Quilt top, all cotton. Center frame is 600mm square of calico on to which is appliqued red material in an elaborate cut out design. Radiating rows of mainly red and blue triangles. Other materials include, white with abstract plants scattered across it, pink with pin print white dots, white and maroon herringbone with small white flowers with maroon leaf sprays spread 25mm apart. The border is a strip of red not hemmed but with selvedges on the long sides. The quilt is all hand sewn with small back stitch, running stitch and hemming.
Machine pieced cotton quilt, in random design of geometric pieces. Materials used are cotton sheeting, dress fabrics, broderie anglaise, and seersucker. There is no padding, and backing is white curtain lining.
1540 x 1150 mm.
1540 x 1150 mm.
Block pattern consisting of a circle, hexagon and circle within a square. Cotton dressmaking fabrics with a few plain creams. Hand pieced and hand quilted. At some stage has been machine reinforced. Now faded, worn and damaged especially one end. Quilting pattern is four leaf clover inside large cable. The backing is 4 different pink toned fabrics in longitudinal stripes. Cotton batting. 2620 x 2300mm