Quilt No.197BM - Barbara McCabe

Patchwork quilt made from squares of cotton fabrics, from curtains, left over from dress making projects, and new fabrics. Colours are bright primaries and some pastels, prints are checks, florals, stripes and plain. Pieces were stitched together without any particular order. No padding or quilting. Backing is a cotton bedspread in turquoise and blue stripes.
2520 x 1600mm
2520 x 1600mm
Made by Barbara McCabe while living in Geelong (VIC), 1969, early 1970s. Owned by Barbara McCabe.
Barbara and her husband David were school teachers, and moved around Victoria, from Echuca to Research to Geelong/Highton.
Barbara made a number of quilts in this style during the 1960s and early 1970s as bedcoverings for the family. When they ended their life as bed coverings, they were/are used as car boot liners, packing around furniture, etc.This quilt was made for her daughter, Mandy, and was still being used in 1985.
Related Quilts:
Quilt top of cottons including shirting materials constructed in kaleidoscope pattern with star border. Hand pieced over papers, some papers remain at edges. There is no padding and no backing.
2440 x 1720mm
2440 x 1720mm
Cotton patchwork quilt in double wedding ring pattern in pastel prints. Quilted in a design of geometric flowers. Padding is probably cotton wadding, backing is cream calico. 2270 x 1970 mm.
Cotton quilt made from squares of patterned and plain materials. It has a mauve cotton flounce around the border and a mauve cotton backing. There is no padding.
2700 x 1350mm
2700 x 1350mm
Cotton scrap quilt in a pattern known as 'Grandmothers Fan'. It is hand quilted. The padding is hand carded cotton and the backing is muslin.
2235 x 1880mm
2235 x 1880mm
Handmade quilt in off centre log cabin pattern. Pieces are floral furnishing and dress fabrics, in twenty blocks. There is no padding, and backing is of bright floral cotton. 1900 x 1500 mm.
Medallion style all cotton quilt made in the USA. Hand pieced with centre panel of 'cheater' material pre printed in a patchwork design. Bordered with 'Nine Patch' and sashing. The backing is printed cotton and the padding is cotton. The quilt has yellow tufting or ties in wool.
1855 x 1525mm
1855 x 1525mm