Quilt No.278JW - Jean Winchester

Jean Winchester
Jean Winchester
Jean Winchester
Made in
1941 - 1970
Patchwork quilt in the Log Cabin pattern, made from cotton fabrics in prints and plains in bright colours. There are 185 squares, all sewn on to check gingham. No padding. Backing is of black cotton.
2718 x 2540mm

Made by Jean Winchester, around 1960, in South Australia. Owned by Jean.


"I am just an ordinary person, very little sewing skills, but enjoy needlework, I have done lots of cross stitch articles for family & friends. Patchwork cot covers for grandchildren (now great grandchildren). I am a member of a Fellowship group, also attend Weight Watchers - not really as I need to, but enjoy the company of others. Many of them are stitching people & we have displays.
I am just so glad I started Patchwork."
[Jean Winchester]

Jean Winchester
Jean Winchester

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National Gallery of Australia
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