Quilt No.223RA - Rozanne Andrew

Rozanne Andrew
Rozanne Andrew
Bertha Fechner
Made in
1941 - 1970
Quilt, single bed size, made from reused clothing roughly handstitched on to a backing of a wool/linen blanket type fabric in green, cream and brown stripes. Clothing is fronts and backs of old jumpers, vests etc as well as opened out sleeves in red, brown and grey. They are stitched together in several layers with long stitches. Another top may have been intended to cover the stitched down layers of clothing.
1500 x 1040mm

Made by the owner's grandmother, Bertha Fechner, in Loxton, SA in the late 1940s. Owned by Rozanne Andrew.


"Further on from last correspondence regarding information on 3 quilts I own from my paternal grandmother. � This is information on grandmother's life. Name - Bertha Fechner & Philip Fechner
D.O.B 19/5/1888 D. 20/12/73 D.O.B 1/6/1893 D. 5/12/46
Lived all their married [lives] at Loxton, South Australia, a town on the River Murray.
Both people of German descent but born in Australia.
Both very frugal in their use of food and possessions. Always preserved all their fruit, killed own animals, grown most of their fruit and vegetables. Grandmother of course made own clothes and many quilts in her lifetime. Many traditions from Germany passed down and carried on through the generations including language. Being able to knit, crochet, sew, embroider an essential part of education. Strong church followers always.
� Grandfather was a blacksmith and wheelright. Grandmother did 'home duties".
[Letter from Rozanne Andrew 20.12.95]

Related Quilts:

Janine and Eva Chick
Hexagon quilt, hand sewn, using a wide variety of patterned and plain cotton scraps left over from dressmaking. 6 hexagons are placed around a centre one. There is no padding. The backing is brown flannel turned over to the front with hexagons hand stitched to it.
1220 x 763mm
Mare Carter
Patchwork cradle quilt of pieced repeat blocks. All cotton including cotton filling. Pattern is in faded greens and pinks,"4 pointed star" in circles. There are 20 blocks.
991 x 788mm
Lesley Stocker
Suffolk puff quilt with puffs in a variety of fabrics. Very little cotton. Fabrics are satin, polyester, organza, wool (now moth eaten), rayon and silk. There is no padding or backing. 2450 x 2100mm
Pearl Holland
This is one of two single bed quilts in a pattern the owner calls 'Martha Washington's Flower Garden'. Flowers are in six hexagons in a variety of prints with a plain coloured centre. The background is cream, and the backing is calico. 2500 x 1800 mm.
Gillian Albers
Patchwork quilt made from hexagons in 'Grandmother's Flower Garden' design, in blue and aqua cottons, polyester and flannelette. Quilt is backed. No padding or quilting.
2380 x 2320mm
Rita Fiddian
Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt. Hexagons are from cotton and polyester material mostly from 'Reverse Garbage' Melbourne. Hand pieced by Rita Fiddian, the owner. Hand quilted. The padding is wool and the backing cotton.
3049 x 2109mm