Quilt No.329CH - Allan & Cecily Hamilton
Patchwork cot quilt made from hexagon patches in cotton, linen, silk and wool. Checks, stripes, spots, florals and plain are used, in a mix of bright and pastel colours. Backing is of dark brown cotton with an edge of hexagon patches on each long side. No padding. Hand sewn.
1296 x 839mm
1296 x 839mm
Made by Alice and Mary Hamilton, of 'Wonga', Jandowae (Qld) for Allan Hamilton, born 1949 at Jandowae. Owned by Allan and Cecily Hamilton, of 'Callitris North', Condamine Qld, and used when a grandchild arrives.
"Alice & Mary Hamilton, spinster women, lived at Maroochydoe at the coast - retired from the land 'Wonga', Jandowae - Alice was wheelchair bound and enjoyed making/doing things with her hands."
[Cecily Hamilton]

Cecily Hamilton with Allan's quilt
Related Quilts:
Quilt made of tailors' swatches, machine constructed around a central frame that is mainly mid brown pieces. This is surrounded by rectangles of mainly charcoal greys and the outer border is navy blues. The backing is a heavy cotton with random green and cream and grey stripes.
1651 x 1220mm
1651 x 1220mm
Patchwork crazy quilt in velvets and silks, no pieces over 4" long. Colours are black, maroon, pinks, blues and pastels, and all seams embroidered with coloured silks in herringbone stitch. Backing is green, there is no padding. Quilt is bound with black velvet 1/2" wide. A patch near the centre is embroidered: '1909' and '1948'.
940 x 915mm
940 x 915mm
Patchwork quilt made from hexagons 63mm across in a variety of cotton prints and plains. The bright coloured patches came from children's clothes and dressmaking scraps. The 'set included a large cot cover, a pillow cover and a circular stool cover. No padding. Backing of unbleached calico. Hand sewn.
2300 x 1840mm
2300 x 1840mm
Hand pieced hexagon quilt or table cover with centre motif of hexagons within hexagons. The remainder of the quilt is mainly hexagon rosettes. The materials are silks and brocades and it is pieced over papers in the English tradition.
1710 x 1600mm
1710 x 1600mm
Cotton quilt made from squares of patterned and plain materials. It has a mauve cotton flounce around the border and a mauve cotton backing. There is no padding.
2700 x 1350mm
2700 x 1350mm
Quilt made from blocks in a fan pattern, 5 blocks across by 6 down. Fans are set on a black background, materials are wool and cotton in a mixture of plains and patterns. Edges of fans are decorated with cream herringbone stitch. Machine pieced with hand stitched repairs.Cream cotton backing folded over to make binding, stitched with pink herringbone stitch. Tied regularly with pink thread. The quilt is padded with wool.
2000 x 1720mm
2000 x 1720mm