Quilt No.389AC - Ann Cuthbert

Ann Cuthbert
Ann Cuthbert
NSW Sydney
Mrs Wight
Made in
1881 - 1900
Patchwork quilt of hexagons in pattern known as 'Grandmother's flower garden'. All cotton. Rosettes are set in a white 'path' with the centre and first ring in solid colours and the second ring prints. There is a yellow border and an outer border in pink. It is hand pieced and hand quilted. The padding is cotton and the backing is white cotton with 2 border edges in light and dark blue. These borders were originally part of the top. There is an inscription "Dear daughter from Mother".
2390 x 1880mm

The quilt was made in California, USA, by the owner's great, great, great grandmother whose name was Wight and who had come from the Isle of Wight. It is thought to have been made in 1892 and it passed by maternal descent through the next 5 generations. The surnames of the next 3 generations of women are: Stid (great, great GM), Northam (great GM), Whipple (GM). The quilt then passed to Ann Cuthbert's mother, Elizabeth Whipple (later MacGregor) and then to Ann.
The quilt is not used.


There is a history of handwork in the family. The quilt has rarely been used as it was too fragile but Ann Cuthbert recalls it being on her bed as a teenager. Ann came to Australia when she was 10 years old.
It is thought that Mrs. Wight (born 1811) made the quilt for her daughter's birthday.
[Ann Cuthbert requested that the following information be included: The quilt is now with her daughter-in-law (son deceased) in Finland and the address is: Marja Cuthbert, Selininkatn 1 A 13, 33240, Tampere, Finland.]

Surnames are: Wight (seated), Stid, Northam and baby Whipple c.1876
Surnames are: Wight (seated), Stid, Northam and baby Whipple c.1876

Related Quilts:

National Gallery of Australia
" This well worn quilt is of pieced diamonds set into squares (221 make up the quilt). Thick woollen fabric has been used for the pieces. These are with plain dyed fabrics or tartans and checks. All work on the quilt is hand sewn. The quilt was lined with a fine blue cotton." [NGA] The quilt is not padded. 1835 x 1400mm
Barbara Levy
"The quilt is made up of many cotton hexagons of various colours, patterns and designs, finely sewn by hand, making a very attractive bedspread. Each patch is lined with lawn. It is quite a heavy quilt, with its plain border, and backing of home-spun cotton or cesarine. The family always called it a 'cottage design'."
No quilting.
2312 x 1905mm
Margaret Perrott
Cotton quilt top in patter, the owner calls 'Tumblers'. Approximately 590 pieces, with one exception, all different patterns and colours. 2181 x 1980
National Trust of Australia (WA)
Patchwork quilt in Grandmother's Flower Garden pattern, consisting of 7 patch rosettes with white 'paths'. Cotton dress and shirting materials have been used in blues, pinks, brown, turkey red and Prussian blue. The quilt is hand sewn and each hexagon is 25mm wide. The backing is cream twill cotton in three panels. There is a hand sewn binding in red/pink cotton. There is overall quilting in chevron or zigzag pattern.
2415 x 2110mm
Sallie Cross
Patchwork quilt of pieced repeat blocks in 'T' pattern,mainly cottons. Quilt is constructed with 12 blocks across and 12 blocks down. Some fabrices have been reused from clothing, some blocks have patches which have been pieced from scraps to make enough fabric for the pattern. Padding is' pellon', quilt is backed, bound and quilted.
1600 x 1500mm
N.S.W. Parks and Wildlife Service
Large double sided quilt of rectangles and squares of men's suitings, patterned and plain on both sides. The top has a central motif of a circle of three segmented rings radiating from a single hexagon. The outer ring is all tailors' samples and the inner rings are a variety of materials. There is some featherstitching in red. The quilt is sparsley machine quilted.