Quilt No.495TD - Tess Davidson

Tess Davidson
Tess Davidson
VIC North East
Teresa Blennett Hassett
Made in
1921 - 1940
Hand stitched quilt of suiting materials. Centre rectangle also suiting materials but arranged with a smaller scale, is edged with a cord of red fabric covering string. The outer red border has been renewed by the owner and closely matches the original. The backing is ticking. There is no padding.
2390 x 2110mm

This quilt was made by Mrs.Teresa Blennett Hassett (1876-1948) in Northern Victoria in 1940. It was made for her grand-daughter Tess when her first child was born. It is not used now.


This is Tess's story. "My Grammie was born in 1876, died aged 72 buried in Devenist cemetery. She was Mrs.Teresa Blennett Hassett.
I was very young and always interested in her making this Wagga as she called it. The name seemed so strange to me, (why Wagga? I have never found out). Gran always was sewing, stitching by needle and thread, I never seen a sewing machine,ever. As children every Sunday we always went up to her farm, it was always delightful to my two elder sisters and myself at Devenish, Vic. Then she came to live in Benalla in the late forties, with my mother and our family. Now this is where the lovely story of the Wagga starts. She gave it to me, what a surprise to get such a lovely gift, she put it in my new baby's pram. I have always treasured it so much. Over the years, the red binding was getting tattered and not looked as I liked, then the problem began, how and where could I get red to match, it seemed such a big job to do and had to be all be needle and thread." [Tess Davidson 16.9.1999]

Rust marks on the quilt indicate it has been under a mattress and on top of the wire base of the bed at some time.

Teresa Blennett Hassett
Teresa Blennett Hassett
Tess Davidson 1998
Tess Davidson 1998

Related Quilts:

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Lorna Calder
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Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery
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160 x 135mm
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