Quilt No.538WH - Wendy Hunter

Wendy Hunter
NSW Sydney
Gwendoline Mary Harrison
Made in
1921 - 1940
Crazy quilt with one large panel. Materials include wools, velvets, silks and crepes. Each piece embroidered in herrigbone stitch to the adjoining piece. 25mm blue border chain stitched on, then 75mm border of black wool crepe with a crocheted edge. The padding is an old blanket and the backing is red/brown printed cotton.
1730 x 1040mm

The quilt was made by Gwendoline Mary Harrison 1895-1968 who was married to Archibald Alexander Johnston. It was probably made in the 1930s. It was then owned by Nellie Bischoff and now by Wendy Hunter her niece. It is not used.


"A family story handed down for many years tells: Gwen made many crazy quilts and gave them to the Red Cross. One quilt ended up in a hospital in England on the bed of a soldier of the 1st world war.
Queen Mary on touring the hospital admired the quilt and asked to have one. When the Red Cross approached Gwen her answer was - no. I make for the poor not the rich."
[Wendy Hunter 29.8.98]

Related Quilts:

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1624 x 1194mm
The Queensland Women's Historical Assoc.
Quilt top of plain, floral and printed cotton hexagons in a diamond pattern, separated by plain white hexagons. Hand written letters have been used as templates and some are still in position but the ink is faded and the writing now illegible. Tacking stitches are still in place.
3048 x 2210mm
National Trust of Australia (QLD)
Hexagons appliqued onto sheeting. 5 groups of 6 hexagons in centre of sheet and continuous row of hexagon rosettes around border.
2261mm x 1664mm
National Trust of Australia (SA)
Patchwork frame quilt made from cotton prints. Quilt centre has four pieced squares set within a star shaped border of square patches, set within a square frame (74cm square) edged with half triangles, then set within a red frame (114cm x 114 cm), diamond shaped or 'on point'. In the 4 triangles are double diamond shapes, then a wide border of squares and 'square within a square' patches with red triangles. Red binding. Padding is probably wool. Backing is a cotton print in browns in a floral paisley. All over quilting. Handsewn.
1880 x 1850mm
Nancy Dunlap
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La Dona Anick
Red and white cross stitch quilt. Central white panel with red cross stitch embroidery featuring flowers and leaves. Red panels as borders with white embroidery, also flowers and leaves. Machine pieced. Hand quilted in an espalier pattern. There is a fine padding and the backing is homespun. 2200 x 1970mm