Quilt No.733LK - Lily Katakouzinos

Lily Katakouzinos
Lily Katakouzinos
NSW Sydney
Made in
1941 - 1970
Wholecloth quilt with the top of red satin and the other side of faded red cotton. All hand stitched. The quilting pattern is a five petal flower in the centre of a circle with parallel lines radiating to the border. The padding is raw cotton.
1900 x 1850mm

The quilt was made by a local quiltmaker in the Greek island of Lemnos in 1961. Lefkothea Kalogeras arranged for the quilt to be made for her daughter Maria who was migrating to Australia. It is now owned by Maria's daughter Lily Katakouzinos. It is not used.


"A Paploma from Limnos
Lily is a second-generation Greek Australian and her paploma (quilt) was made on the Greek island of Lemnos, well-known to many Australians for its beautiful natural harbour, Mudros Bay, used to launch the Gallipoli Campaign in 1915. Later, it was also the place where the armistice was signed between Britain and Turkey.
On Lemnos, in 1961, Lily's grandmother Lefkothea Kalogeras arranged for the local quilt-maker (in Greek, a 'paplomatas') to make this quilt for her daughter Maria who was migrating to Australia. The 'paplomatas' had a shop in the island's main town of Myrina, approximately thirty five kilometres from the village of Kaminia where the family lived. Lefkothea took with her the locally grown and woven cotton fabric which forms the quilt backing, then chose the lovely red satin for the main side; the padding is also of locally-grown cotton. She decided on the floral emblem for the centre, to be surrounded by parallel lines. As was the custom in those days, all the stitching was done by hand.
Maria Kalogeras, with this and several other quilts as part of her 'prika' (dowry), arrived in Sydney by plane in 1962. The following year she married Evangelo Katakouzinos, also from Lemnos; they went on to have four children: George, Lily, Ourania and Christo. Maria and Evangelo have worked hard to establish themselves in their new country, and although 'officially' retired, Maria works part-time in an aged-care facility. She recalls her early years in Greece and the traditional pre-wedding women's gatherings (a loose equivalent to our 'kitchen tea') where the bride's 'prika' (dowry) - quilts, blankets, sheets, towels etc together with a range of beautiful handworked pieces, would all be displayed in an 'doulapa anihti' (open wardrobe), which would be decorated with white tulle and satin ribbon. The traditional 'koufeta' (sugar-coated almonds) and rice would be scattered throughout, plus on the specially decorated wedding bed. Special sweets are served and traditional wedding songs are sung for the couple's future happiness. These celebrations are still held in many parts of Greece.
Lily, whose real name is Lefkothea named after this grandmother, has a background in art education and is a practising artist. One of her deep and abiding interests is traditional Greek handcrafts, so her paploma from Lemnos, together with her mother's stories, hold a special significance for her."
[Written by Lula Saunders from interview 29/4/00 for the National Quilt Register]

Lily Katakouzinos
Lily Katakouzinos
A bedroom in the Katakouzinos house in Kaminia, Lemnos
A bedroom in the Katakouzinos house in Kaminia, Lemnos
Maria (second from right) with friend and her parents. 1962
Maria (second from right) with friend and her parents. 1962

Related Quilts:

Yvonne Hamdorf
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John Tomkin
Hand stitched, cotton, appliquéd, quilt in a flower pattern on a plain background. Colours are shades of green, apricot and browns. This quilt was known as a 'Bride's Quilt'. Padding is thought to be layers of white fabric raised almost like a wadding. The backing is cotton material. 2470 x 2020 mm.
National Gallery of Australia
" A coverlet of 7 pieces of cream muslin. The edges of the work are secured at the top and sides with bands of green and floral strips. The lower edge has been turned and hemmed. The 'quilt' is highly decorated with bands and diamonds of appliqué fabric. The upper centre field is appliquéd with images depicting Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden surrounded by trees and a variety of animals and insects. In the centre is a smaller appliquéd image of the manger with mangel and cows. The quilt is not signed or dated, but each of the imaged areas is accompanied by a descriptive text. The writing is executed in black chain stitch. Beads and sequins have been used to depict the eyes of some of the animals in the Garden of Eden. As with all of Mary Jane Hannaford's quilts all work is hand sewn and quite crude and coarse in execution. The quilt is not padded or lined." [NGA] 1810 x 1590mm
Angela Smith
Durham quilt made of cotton sateen, mainly gold on one side and yellow green on the other. Top, pillow fold, has been removed. The straight sides have tiny pin stripe added border. The quilting pattern is large tree of life (palm like), swags and cable on top and bottom border. Fill in is slightly elongated diamonds. 1880 x 1520mm
Kereake Wray
Wholecloth Greek quilt. "The fabric is a beautiful silk satin with a formal pattern of soft yellows and pinks on a turquoise background. Surrounding this is a 40cm wide border also of silk satin (cerise coloured). The quilt is machine pieced but hand quilted. The method of quilting is very interesting. A thick cream twist has been used and at first glance it seems that the quilt is tied as there are long pairs of stitches with gaps of about 4cm between them. However, either a long needle was used to make a pair of stitches OR each side may have been quilted separately with the needle only going half way into the wadding which is about 2 cms thick." [Kereake Wray] The padding is kapok approx 2 cm thick and the backing is deep coral pink satin. 2200 x 1960 mm.
National Trust of Australia (SA)
Quilt made of white cotton net, embroidered or 'voided', with an all-over pattern of parrots perched on branches and flying around a flowering tree. There is a tufted effect on the edges of figures. The top has a centre panel with 2 side panels attached to match the pattern. Quilt is lined with white cotton, and edged with a white cotton fringe. There are 2 matching pillowshams. Handsewn.
11920 x 1830mm