Quilt No.874NTNW - National Trust of Australia (NSW)

National Trust of Australia (NSW)
National Trust of Australia (NSW)
NSW Sydney
Mary Moxey ?
Made in
pre 1850
Quilt in frame style patchwork with applique and broderie Perse applique in printed cottons and linens with silk embroidery. The centre frame has an octagonal shape of floral printed material appliqued on to cream linen surrounded by pieced and appliqued triangles and sashing of printed cotton. Above the frame is embroidered in dull gold silk in cross stitch 'Mary Moxey 1818 Emma Tremlett Born Decr 16th 1837'. Outer borders are pieced and appliqued diamonds and hexagons separated by printed sashing. The quilt is backed with cream linen.
2405 x 2373mm

The quilt was made in England and Australia after 1837 and is provenanced to Mary Moxey of Williamtown NSW. It is now one of the quilts in the National Trust (NSW) Collection.

Related Quilts:

Robyn Gallaway
Machine made cotton quilt with 100mm cotton squares placed diagonally with peaks running around the edge. The colours are mainly autiumn tones and the patterns include checks, tartans, florals, geometric and plains. Materials were scraps left over from sewing projects such as children's clothes. There is a matching valance.
Queenscliffe Historical Society Inc
Patchwork quilt made of 1 inch hand paper pieced hexagonal patches (English technique), with plain and floral patterned blue fabrics in clusters at regular intervals throughout the taupe coloured patches. Centre of quilt has a cluster or 'flower' of 4 rings of patches, the centre group embroidered in blue satin stitch: 'MW 1938'. Border consists of 3 rows of medium, light and dark blue hexagons. No padding. Backing is of blue cotton sateen.
2185 x 1372mm
Lyn Uppill
Patchwork quilt in crazy pattern, with pieces of silks, corded silks and velvets in prints, plaids and plains. Nearly all pieces are edged with embroidery, and many pieces have embroidered names and motifs. There are a variety of embroidery stitches. The backing is of slub cotton in a plaid pattern in yellow, grey, red and white. No padding. Quilt has a gathered edging of dark red organdy and silk. Names and dates embroidered are: Bert, Milly, Toots, Verdi, Ida, and 1893, 1895, 1894.
1550 x 1420mm
Fran Williams
150 x 210mm pieces of bound suiting samples overlapped and machined together then herringboned with gold/yellow thread. Each piece has an embroidered motif, using single thread, mainly non Australian birds and animals. '1903' is embroidered on a centre piece. It is hand quilted. The backing is a black floral print. There is no padding.
1800 x 1940mm
Flora Noyce
Log cabin quilt consisting of 36 blocks each 200mm square. Light and dark arrangement with a variety of small patterned cotton materials (floral, spotted, striped) and plains. The blocks are hand stitched on to fine cotton and then joined by machine. There is a 120mm double gathered frill of floral cotton with a beige background. The backing is 2 pieces of cream cotton with repeat floral and musical motifs interspersed with forget me nots.
1500 x 1500mm
Shelley Cameron
Cotton scrap quilt with shapes of squares and diamonds and strips. There is no padding and the backing is calico.
2125 x 1440mm