Archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Perth

The Catholic Church in Western Australia consists of the Archdiocese of Perth (established in 1845) which includes the former Abbey Nullius of New Norcia (established in 1867), the Diocese of Geraldton (established in 1898), the Diocese of Bunbury (established in 1954) and the Diocese of Broome (established in 1966) formerly the Vicariate of Kimberley (established in 1887). Originally all this territory comprised the Diocese of Perth. Each Diocese now has its own Archive.

193 Harold Street, Mt Lawley WA 6050, Australia
+61 09 228 8020
+61 09 9227 6707
By appointment only
A Donation towards our work is appreciated
Parking available. Wheelchair access. Disabled Toilet. Proximity to public transport.

The Archive of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Perth holds records regarding the Bishops and the administration of the Archdiocese from 1844. It holds general material about Parishes and some Baptism and Confirmation Registers. It does not hold records of individuals. There is a system of Parish Archives in individual Parishes. Parishes generally kept their own records and their own Baptism and Confirmation Records after 1900.

The Catholic Newspaper The Record is microfilmed from 1874-1980 and microfilms are held at the Battye Library of Western Australia History.

The Religious Orders have their own archives.