Wagin Historical Village Museum

Displays of artefacts, buildings and machinery depicting the early history of Wagin from 1840. We have 25 original and replica buildings, artefacts plus an extensive machinery display. Winner of the Heartlands Tourism Award for 2003 and 2003 and finalist in Community of the Year 2003. Totally volunteer driven.
Kitchener Street, Wagin, WA
Monday - Sunday 10:00am - 4:00pm. Closed Christmas Day.
Adult $5.00, Senior $4.00, Child $3.00 (school age).
Wheelchair access, toilets, souvenir sales, tea, coffee, biscuits, devonshire teas, reference library, reading room, guided tours, education programme for school groups, lecture hall brochures, tourist information centre.
The museum covers 2 acres and is a detailed picture of everyday life in the area around the time the early settlers first arrived circa 1840 until 1920. The collection consists of 5,000 items and 1,500 photographs.
The Village consists of the Original Bank, Schoolhouse, Quarantine Ward, Dunny, Replica Printing Office, Church, Wattle and Daub Cottage, Mud Brick Cottage, Dairy, Stables, Blacksmith, Bag Tent, Barbers Shop, Dressmakers, General Store, Post Office , District Hall, Museum Hall, Tearooms , Machinery Sheds.
The Village consists of the Original Bank, Schoolhouse, Quarantine Ward, Dunny, Replica Printing Office, Church, Wattle and Daub Cottage, Mud Brick Cottage, Dairy, Stables, Blacksmith, Bag Tent, Barbers Shop, Dressmakers, General Store, Post Office , District Hall, Museum Hall, Tearooms , Machinery Sheds.
Washing machine
Home made washing machine

Made of wood and used in the 1920's and 30's. A sealed box contained the water , while a wooden spindle was manually turned to activate the soap and clothes. Donated to the Historical Village .
c. 1920's - 30's
Ice box
Ice box

An early refrigerator , the ice box kept food cool . Electricity was not needed. A large block of ice was set in the top , the cold water dripped down the hessian or tin sides , keeping the inside of the box cool enough to store butter and meat. The ice was usually delivered by the local 'iceman'. Used in most households from 1920 until 1940. Donated to the Historical Village.
Kerosene drawers

Known as 'depression furniture' the kerosene drawers served the purpose . Used in the early 1900's through to about 1930 , the drums of kerosene were emptied and with one side cut out became a set of drawers for use in a household. Donated to the Historical Village.
c. early 1900's

This original schoolhouse was used between 1925 up until 1940. It was in a paddock 25 kilometres south of Wagin and relocated to the Historical Village. School children of all ages were taught in the one roomed school. The children walked from their farmhouses or rode horses to the school.
Kitchen dresser

Donated to the Wagin Historical Village and used in a farmhouse up until the 1970's. This wooden kitchen dresser would have been the feature of most regional houses during the early 1900's .
c. early 1900's