Quilt No.186RHS - Romsey/Lancefield & Districts Historical Society
1880 x 1330mm
Made in 1896 by the ladies of the Lancefield Presbyterian Church for their Sale of Works. Raffled for sale after the Works and taken out of the district. Returned to Lancefield around 1992, now in the care of the Romsey/Lancefield and Districts Historical Society.
There are 370 names of mainly local families embroidered on the quilt. Many of these families are no longer in the district, but a fair number still are still represented in the area."
Newspaper report from The Lancefield Mercury Feb. 28 1896:
"The Sale of Gifts on 26/2/1896 organised by the Presbyterian Church, Lancefield for the purpose of raising funds to liquidate the debt incurred in effecting improvements to the Manse. The event was opened by the Hon. J.G. Duffy."
"The first thing which strikes the eye, and which was the centre of attraction, is the magnificent quilt, hung against the wall at the back of the stage.
The quilt contains 465 autographs beautifully worked with various coloured crewel silks on a background of royal blue satin and is lined with old gold sateen.
Surrounded by the words 'Lancefield Presbyterian Sale of Gifts' in the centre of the quilt is a painting of a rose, thistle and shamrock, artistically executed by Miss Anderson of Rochford. As it is well known the quilt was made and the names worked by Mrs Gordon of Rochford, and she and Miss Anderson have shown singular ability in accomplishing their work."
A fee was charged for having names placed on the quilt. Mrs J. Dunn of Rochford was the winner of the quilt. The quilt resulted in a profit of [32 pounds and 15 shillings]."
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