Quilt No.792LC - Lyn Cottingham

Lyn Cottingham
Lyn Cottingham
Mary-Anne Vincent
Made in
Single bed quilt hand pieced from silk hexagons using the English method. The border, backing and central rosette of hexagons are black. All other hexagons are a mixture of plain colours, stripes and florals. They are randomly placed. It is quilted in a diamond pattern. The padding is a thin cotton woven material.
1550 x 1330mm

The quilt was made by Mary-Anne Vincent who was born in Stepney London in 1856. Mary-Anne was the great great aunt of the present owner, Lyn Cottingham. The quilt was handed on through family descent. It is not used now.


"Because of the age of the quilt little knowledge is available about its actual use. However, we know that Mary-Anne was one of 6 children and never married. She lived in London and Brighton and did not enjoy good health. I have 3 postcards written by her in 1902 - 1907 relating to her poor health, one of which was sent from a convalescent home in Brighton. The P.C's were sent to her neice Louisa (my grandmother) who was apprenticed to a dressmaker. We have many pieces of Louisa's needlework, samplers, embroidery and tapestries etc."����..
[Lyn Cottingham]

Related Quilts:

Art Gallery of South Australia
Patchwork quilt made of hexagons in cottons in a variety of prints. The patches are arranged in the 'Grandmother's Flower Garden' pattern, with dark patches around a light centre patch. The 'paths' are cream cotton. The border is made from diamond shapes placed alternately vertical and horizontal, between two edges of red striped fabric, with mitred corners.
No padding. Backing is red cotton, embroidered 'M.A. Wilson 1863'. Handsewn.
2500 x 2170mm
National Trust of Australia (NSW)
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2320 x 2320mm
Alison Tunney
Quilt in mauve, pale blue and white squares, with wide borders of floral and off white. The quilting is a centre medallion with leaves on the border, and cross hatched over all. The padding is cotton batting, and the backing is plain white cotton. 2180 x 1900 mm.
Pauline Munro
Quilt of woollen rectangles, probably tailors' samples. Machine pieced. The backing is floral cotton similar to curtain material.The backing has a french seam down the centre back and is folded over to the front to form a binding. There is no padding.
1440 x 1260
Val Wilkinson
Scrap quilt made from a myriad of different materials, cottons, silk types velvets etc. Alternate rows have triangles and odd shaped pieces with in between rows of squares and rectangles in smaller pieces. It is completely machine pieced. There is no padding. The backing is blue slub rayon and is brought to the front to form a border.
2200 x 1520mm
The Pioneer Women's Hut
Cotton quilt in pattern commonly known as "Double Wedding Ring'. Probably an American McCall's pattern. Hand stitched, florals, checks and plain pieces. The backing is pink cotton. Scalloped edge.
2300 x 1880mm