Quilt No.674OHM - Oakey Historical Museum Society Inc

Oakey Historical Museum Society Inc
Oakey Historical Museum Society Inc
QLD South West
Made in
1921 - 1940
This quilt consists of rows of pieced blocks approximately 280mm square sewn directly on to a foundation square. The design is really a version of 'log cabin' set on the diagonal. The backing squares are made from flour bags including a number stamped in blue ink "The Defiance Milling Company��..Toowoomba NET 3 lbs". Another is stamped in green ink "Parsons Rolled Oats". Two short sides and one long side of the quilt are bound in apricot coloured cotton.
1960 x 1700mm

The museum has no information on the quilt, however, the use of the flour bags from the Defiance Flour Mill in Toowoomba indicate that it can be provenanced to the Darling Downs area.

Related Quilts:

National Trust of Australia (NSW)
Utility quilt hand and machine sewn. The top has a centre frame of hand sewn hexagonal patches in a mix of dress materials and shirtings with four corner flowers and a roughly circular ring in red and blue stripe. The inner border has rectangular pieces in red/yellow/green/white hexagon printed material alternating with a blue/white spot. The outer border consists of large pieces of material, predominantly pink and blue stripes and checks. The backing is mainly red/white printed cotton. It is quilted all over in a diamond pattern. The padding is mainly flannel and has been made from another quilt.
1975 x 1675mm
Kathryn Thompson
Crazy patchwork quilt in a variety of cotton materials. There is no padding. The backing is old flour bags.
2000 x 2000mm
Doncaster-Templestowe Historical Society
Quilt made of Suffolk Puffs or flattened circles, in different bright colours in cotton and silk. Large single bed size.
Mare Carter
Patchwork quilt, all cotton including cotton filling. "8 pointed star" with turkey red surround, white background. Hand stitched and hand quilted.
2109 X 1727mm
N.S.W. Parks and Wildlife Service
The top is strips of mainly wools in blue, maroon and purple. The backing is imitation fur in brown and grey. They is no quilting. The padding appears to be a double sided pieced quilt from men's suitings or tailors' samples.
1500 x 1130mm
Ankie King
Small square piece of crazy patchwork in silks and taffetas. Many of the seams are oversewn with decorative embroidery stitches. There is a calico backing.
550 x 550mm