Quilt No.365JM - Jeanette McGeoch
1470 x 1060mm
Made c.1901 in Wahgunyah Vic by Jeanette Cullen (born Fraser), 1838-1912, then owned by her daughter Christina Marion McLaurin 1871-1953. Now owned by Christina's daughter Jeanette Fraser McGeoch b.1901.
"Maker of the quilt was Jeanette Fraser born Inverness Scotland 1838. Married William Cullen 1868, died 1912. 7 children. Initials for all are on the quilt. William Cullen's parents migrated from Northern Ireland. The quilt was made at 'Gorthleck' Wagunyah Vic, the family property. Jeanette was an expert needlewoman: sewing, crochet, tatting, knitting (cotton bedspread). She also did crayon drawings. Jeanette was the grandmother of the present owner Jeanette McGeoch.
The quilt passed to Jeanette Cullen's daughter, Christina Marion, born 1871. Lived at Lilliput via Rutherglen. She was the second eldest. Married Robert McLaurin in 1900. Died 1943 aged 82 years. 5 children.
The quilt passed to Christina's daughter, Jeanette, born 1901 at Lilliput via Rutherglen Vic. Married 1926 to Walter McGeoch. Jeanette is the present owner of the quilt.
Jeanette recalled the quilt was laid across the foot of her Grandmother's bed, a four poster mahogany. Jeanette described her Mother's and Father's bedroom at 'Curnalla', Lilliput via Rutherglen: the bed was a full tester, cream enamel with brass fittings. There was a white knitted bedspread (counterpane) with crocheted edging, about 8 inches wide with vandyke points. The curtains had knitted strips and crocheted strips. There was a footstool at the end of the bed. The quilt was always laid across the end of the bed. This description refers to the period from 1900 to when Robert died."
[Additional notes from conversation with Mrs McGeoch 1998.]
Initials on the quilt are:
JC Jeanette Cullen
FCC Fred Cullen, son
FF Fred Fraser, brother
JC Jack Cullen, son
AFC Angus Fraser Cullen, son
WRC William Robert Cullen, son
CMC Christina Marion Cullen
ME Mary Elizabeth

Related Quilts:
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