Quilt No.288SM - Shirley Maywald
Shirley Maywald
Elvira Schrapel
Made in
1941 - 1970
Crazy patchwork quilt made from pieces of velvets, plush and corduroy, in prints and plain. Patches are sewn directly on to a backing with feather and herringbone stitches in pearl thread. Quilt has a 1/2 inch binding of black velvet. Backing is a pea green cotton twill. One of the patches has the dates 1909 - 1948 embroidered on it.
920 x 920mm
920 x 920mm
Made by Elvira Schrapel, and later owned by her daughter Enid Schrapel, whose married and maiden names were the same. Owned by Shirley Maywald (born Hatch), whose mother Sophie Hatch (1899 - 1980) was a friend of Elvira's.
Shirley's mother lived opposite Enid at B.V. Nursing Home and they were friends. Enid gave Shirley the quilt as she had no family living of her own to hand it on to. It was made between 1890 - 1948 (embroidered on the patch) with pieces collected over time.
Related Quilts:
Crazy patchwork quilt made from pieces of silk, velvet, silk ribbon and brocade in a variety of patterns and plains, in a range of colours. All patches are edged with embroidery, in blanket, feather, herringbone and other stitch variations. Many patches are embroidered with flowers, butterflies, leaves and initials of family members, and there is some beading. 1901 is embroidered in one corner. Quilt has a wide border of gold velvet. Patches are stitched to a base fabric. Backing is dark green sateen.
1470 x 1060mm
1470 x 1060mm
Patchwork quilt featuring centre block of log cabin surrounded by borders. Handsewn. Wide variety of materials including some velvet. Appliqued flowers.
1703 x 1575mm
1703 x 1575mm
Hexagon quilt with 60mm hexagons in cottons. No particular design or pattern. Patches are plain and patterned in reds, blues, pinks, browns and greys. There is a 70mm wide lace trim. The quilt is padded and the backing is wholecloth green with a floral design in pink and cream. 1860 x 1640mm
Cotton scrap quilt with shapes of squares and diamonds and strips. There is no padding and the backing is calico.
2125 x 1440mm
2125 x 1440mm
Almost square top made of military colour patches of woollen material machine sewn on to blanket pieces, then each piece hand stitched together. The top is a frame style with central group of patches in a star motif with colour patches set in borders around the centre. There is no padding and the backing is the blanket pieces.
2143 x 2090mm
2143 x 2090mm
Patchwork quilt in crazy pattern, with pieces of silks, corded silks and velvets in prints, plaids and plains. Nearly all pieces are edged with embroidery, and many pieces have embroidered names and motifs. There are a variety of embroidery stitches. The backing is of slub cotton in a plaid pattern in yellow, grey, red and white. No padding. Quilt has a gathered edging of dark red organdy and silk. Names and dates embroidered are: Bert, Milly, Toots, Verdi, Ida, and 1893, 1895, 1894.
1550 x 1420mm
1550 x 1420mm