Quilt No.356AH - Ann Hockey

Ann Hockey
Ann Hockey
NSW Riverina
Frances Cooper
Made in
1921 - 1940
Patchwork quilt made from cotton materials from children's clothing. Repeat blocks are made in a variation of 'Log Cabin' pattern, a square with 4 borders or superimposed squares forming each block. Colours are yellows, oranges, greens, blues and pastels. No padding. Backing is cotton, and the quilt is bound with cream crepe and silk.
1590 x 1350mm

Made in the mid 1920s by Frances Cooper at Bungonia (NSW), and owned by her. Later owned by her daughter Lilian Hockey who used it until 1979. Owned by Lilian's daughter Ann Hockey.

Frances Cooper
Frances Cooper

Related Quilts:

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N.S.W. Parks and Wildlife Service
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