Quilt No.369PH - Pauline Hunter

Pauline Hunter
Pauline Hunter
NSW North West Slopes
Shiela Hungerford
Made in
1941 - 1970
Patchwork quilt made from hexagon patches in satin and nylon, the nylon overlaid on satin. Fabrics are plain, in a mixture of dark and light colours. No padding. Backing is of pink satin with pink satin ribbon covering the joining seams. Hand sewn with some machine stitching. Feather stitching along the edge. There is no padding.
2211 x 1752mm

Made in the late 1950s or early 1960s by Shiela Hungerford (born Wilson) 1913 - 1974. Shiela married Harold Hungerford in the late 1930s and they moved to Goondawindi (Qld) where Harold managed a large cattle station. They later bought 'Farleigh Downs'. The quilt was only brought out for special occasions. Owned by her daughter Penny Dowling (born Hungerford).


"My mother was brought up by rather elderly parents and in many ways was very conservative but in other ways was a pioneer of women's interests in Queensland's South West during the 50s and 60s. �. She was born at Katoomba in the Blue Mountains. Her mother had spent 13 years attending boarding schools and decided that this would not happen to her daughter so Shiela was tutored privately at her home near Crookwell NSW. As a result I think my mother grew up in a most unique atmosphere, and that shaped her nature. She became a remarkable character.
My parents were married in NSW in the late 30s and moved to QLD where my father was overseer of a large cattle station. Living conditions were fairly spartan. Having lived such a protected life I wonder how my mother coped and then had so much to give to her fellow country women.
They soon purchased their own property, thousands of acres of undeveloped scrub, with plenty of dingoes! Communication was difficult. Phone lines easily broken by falling trees and roads of black soil impassable with a shower of rain. Yet my mother had a passion to communicate with all people in the area, especially women, by church gatherings or huge Christmas parties with Santa. As there were no local schools, children received lessons through Primary Correspondence. Home entertaining was often the only outing for people, as my parents enjoyed company, we had lots of large and small 'occasions' in the great garden that my mother established.
My Mother helped form the Country Women's Assn in the area, and was totally involved for 30 years, holding many executive positions. As roads and phones improved she travelled further and further field. She developed a keen interest in anything that could be made by hand. She had a talent for involving people in her creative ideas. Women who had never dreamed that they could make anything would discover that they could make a paper flower or spin the wool that they grew. This gave them great satisfaction and an interest other than the solely rural pursuit of their husbands This pleasure was the greatest spur for my mother. The list of 'crafts' that my mother could teach was almost endless, and a lot of the raw material she bought herself and shared with women all over the South-West. Anyone who ever met my mother remembers her, for her charm, generosity and her graciousness. She bought a lot of happiness to lonely women in isolated areas, and often showed them how to be resourceful and cope with the harshness that must have been prevalent at that time in Queensland. My father was also public spirited and was very involved in Local Government and later a State Member of Government.
As far as I know my mother was never taught these many 'Handicrafts', she simply had a great determination and memory. She would walk past a shop window in Queen St. and then go home and make the dress and hat that the model was wearing!
It was a wonderful life very busy and creative, but in the late 60s and early 70s it all ended. Firstly her eldest daughter was killed in a car accident, then her husband died of Motor Neurone disease. � My mother was devastated by these cruel blows and threw herself totally in serving the C.W.A. Now she became very interested in gaining some really superior creative skills, and attended one of the first McGregor Summer Schools in Toowoomba. She was killed in a car accident on the way home. She was only 58.
All this was 24 years ago. There are still many people whose lives she touched, they will retell numerous tales about her acts of kindness. Many still hold proudly in their possession something that she gave them or
made specially for them."
[Penny Dowling Toowoomba 8.3.1998]

Pauline Hunter with Shiela's quilt
Pauline Hunter with Shiela's quilt

Related Quilts:

The Pioneer Women's Hut
Patchwork quilt made up of 100mm multi coloured squares in a variety of materials including cottons, synthetics, lurex, plain and printed. Each square has dacron padding and is then joined in strips and the strips joined. All hand sewn. The backing is blue synthetic whole cloth 60mm of which is returned to the front to form a border.
1500 x 1200mm
Annette Gero
Quilt top of hexagons in silks and satins, pieced over papers in the English tradition. Some paper templates still in place. One states: 'Semi - Monthly Regular Clipper packets to New Zealand, Port Phillip, Sydney�2nd of each month..Adelaide' suggesting it may have been from a shipping timetable.
1580 x 1830mm
Mildura and District Historical Society
Quilt of 2025 hexagons stitched together to form diamond patterns. Hand sewn using paper templates. Materials are cottons and plains typical of the thirties period. The backing is blue cotton and the quilt is bound with many rows of coloured bias binding through which is treaded window cord. There is no padding. The quilt is called 'Grandmothers' Flower Garden quilt'.
2439 x 1829mm
National Trust of Australia (WA)
Patchwork quilt in Grandmother's Flower Garden pattern, consisting of 7 patch rosettes with white 'paths'. Cotton dress and shirting materials have been used in blues, pinks, brown, turkey red and Prussian blue. The quilt is hand sewn and each hexagon is 25mm wide. The backing is cream twill cotton in three panels. There is a hand sewn binding in red/pink cotton. There is overall quilting in chevron or zigzag pattern.
2415 x 2110mm
National Gallery of Australia
"The Rajah "quilt" is a patchwork and appliquéd bed cover or coverlet. It is in pieced medallion or framed style: a popular design style for quilts in the British Isles in the mid 1800's. There is a central field of white cotton decorated with appliquéd (in broderie perse) chintz birds and floral motifs. This central field is framed by 12 bands or strips of patchwork printed cotton. The quilt is finished at the outer edge by white cotton decorated with appliquéd daisies on three sides and inscription in cross stitch surrounded by floral chintz attached with broderie perse on the fourth side. All fabrics used in the Rajah quilt are cotton with the exception of small amounts of linen and silk threads. The quilt shows evidence of being produced by many hands." [NGA] The quilt is not padded or lined. 3372 x 3250mm
Meg Orr
All over pattern of rows of hexagons with each unit made up of 4 hexagons each 45mm. Patterned and plain materials thought to date from the 1930s including cotton and linen dress materials, synthetics and synthetic crepe. It was an unfinished top and Meg Orr, the present owner, finished it by machine stitching some of the hexagon rosettes to the red twill background and stitching on a backing. There is no padding.
1740 x 1210mm.