Quilt No.384LO'G - Lynette O'Grady

Lynette O'Grady
Lynette O'Grady
NSW South Coast
Women of Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Made in
1901 - 1920
Quilt with white background and blocks in blue and green. 'Robbing Peter to Pay Paul' pattern. Plain blue border. Hand pieced and quilted. Quilt was cut down, worn center piece discarded then quilt pieces rejoined. A cover for the pillow was made from scraps when quilt was cut down.
1930 x 1740mm

The quilt was made by the ladies of the Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for Lily Balmour in America (probably Salt Lake City) about 1915. Lily, who was the great aunt of the present owner, gave it to her sister, the owner's grandmother, probably in the 1930s when she had returned to Australia. On her death it passed to her daughter, Lynette O'Grady's Mother (1950s) and then to Lynette in the late 1970s


"The quilt was made for my great aunt Lily Balmour (nee White). Lily was married to an American - Alma Balmour, who was an elder / Missionary in the Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint. She travelled with him for his work and after a period in America they were returning to Australia and the ladies of the church made her the quilt as a parting gift. My great aunt eventually gave the quilt to my grandmother (her sister). Because of her constant travelling she had to limit her luggage. The quilt was on the bed in the spare room at my grandmother's home for many years. My grandmother being a very 'practical' woman, as the quilt began to wear, cut it down the center to put the inside out. On her death my mother had it for a while and then she gave it to me. Thirteen years ago we had a house fire. It survived with some scorch marks. We are not sure of the age of the quilt. My Mother is now in a nursing home and is vague about its history."
[Lynette O'Grady 1.8.98]

Related Quilts:

Jean Gill
Pieced quilt featuring log cabin and tumbling block patterns. It is handsewn and has some appliqued flowers.Materials are mainly velvet with a small amount of cotton. There is no padding and the backing is cotton flannelette.
1525 x 1220mm
Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery
Quilt with alternate red and white diamonds in cotton, with wide border of white cotton and a white cotton crochet edging. All diamond patches and edging were joined to white border decorated with feather stitch. White border edged with zig-zag white feather stitch. Centre rectangle of white has 4 red petals edged with white feather stitch and 4 red diamonds each embroidered in white clockwise: '1898', 'R', 'L', 'K'. Diamonds edged with feather stitch. There is no padding and the backing is white cotton.
2420 x 1740mm
Port Curtis Historical Soc.Inc.
Cotton Hexagon quilt with a wide variety of patterned and plain materials. Blue binding and a cotton backing. The padding is thought to be cotton wool.
1525 x 1220mm
Alice Lemon
Patchwork quilt made from hexagon patches on one side, and squares and rectangles on the reverse. Cottons are used, mostly from dressmaking, in bright and light colours. The hexagons form an indented edge on all sides; on the back the rectangles have been cut at the edge to match the hexagon shapes. Hand sewn, the edge machine sewn.
No padding.
1551 x 1373mm
Nancy Dunlap
Grandmother's flower garden pattern. All cottons with plain centres to 'flowers' then row of prints and outer row of plains. One hexagon flower has been repaired. Scalloped edges bound with yellow. Hand quilting around the hexagons. The backing is cream cotton and the padding is thin cotton. 2140 x 1780mm.
June Johnson
Hand sewn cotton cot quilt with pattern of red and white lozenge shaped hexagons measuring approximately 65mm from top to bottom. A centre flower is constructed from 2 circles of 19 hexagons in red and white. This is surrounded by 8 smaller hexagon flowers. Additional single red hexagons are scattered at random on the white background around the rows of flowers. The quilt is not quilted or tied but is attached at all 4 edges. Writing on the back of the quilt (probably added later) reads "Made by Sarah Hodge, Newport, Wales UK for her first child John." There is no padding and the backing is white cotton. 1000 x 1250 mm.