Quilt No.551ST - Sharon Stacy

Sharon Stacy
Sharon Stacy
NSW Riverina
Amanda Graham
Made in
1921 - 1970
Wholecloth quilt of white cotton with hand appliqued flowers in 3 shades of red. The centre of the quilt has 6 separate flowers radiating from a circle and each corner has a separate arrangement of flowers. The white cotton quilting is in diagonal lines and a daisy pattern. There is a narrow red border widely scalloped. The backing is white cotton. There is no padding.
2236 x 1905mm

This quilt was one of 8 made in Ohio by Amanda Graham (1889-1978) during her lifetime. They were put in the care of her daughter-in-law Catherine Graham until 1978 when the 8 quilts were divided amongst the grandchildren. This one was brought to Australia by Amanda Graham's youngest grand-daughter Sharon Graham. Sharon arrived in Australia in 1972, completed her University study at A.N.U. and married 6th generation Australian Thomas Llewellyn Stacy of 'Camelot' Tumut NSW. They have 2 children, Joanna and Marcus and Marcus, the great grandson of Amanda, will inherit this quilt at an appropriate time. It is still used occasionally.


"The maker of the quilt was Amanda Goehring (1889-1978), daughter of German immigrants to Pennsylvania, U.S.A. She and her family were commonly referred to as Pennsylvania Dutch due to the unpopularity of her German descent of the time. She married Stanley P. Graham, a Scot by ancestry and a veterinarian by training at Ohio State University. Stanley was sent to France during the Great War, leaving Amanda with one son. Stanley returned to Amanda after the war with an illness he never recovered from and died eight years later. Amanda raised her only son, Laverne Pershing Graham, through work as a seamstress and minding a dry goods store with her sister in Ohio. Her son married and had four children and followed in his fathers footsteps graduating from Ohio State University as a veterinarian.
Amanda made 2 quilts for each grandchild (a total of 8) over her lifetime. The quilts are her legacy divided between the four children."
[Sharon Stacy, Tumut, 20.10.98]

Related Quilts:

Yvonne Hamdorf
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John Tomkin
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West Australian Quilters' Ass
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Christine Kable
Durham type wholecloth quilt of cotton sateen, hand sewn and quilted. Apricot on one side and yellow on the other. The padding is possibly coarse cotton.
2465 x 2057mm
Helen Blandford
Bassinet quilt. Pink satin top and backing overlaid with lace. Machine and hand sewn. The padding is possibly a nappy. It is part of a set that includes a pillow cover.
585 x 509mm
The Pioneer Women's Hut
The top is machine pieced patches of used clothing. The backing is large pieces of dress materials and either end patches similar to the top. The padding is a chaff bag or similar with patches of worn, matted children's jumpers sewn directly on to it.
1400 x 1150mm