Quilt No.78DM - David Mort

David Mort
NSW Central West
Marjorie Mort
Made in
1940 - 1970
Quilt/rug of show ribbons. 40 woollen 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th prize ribbons sewn together. Colours are blue, red, yellow and white. Backing is blue cotton.
1600 x 1600 mm

Made by the late Marjorie Mort of Bodalla and Double Bay NSW after 1961. Remains in the family and now owned by David Mort . It is hanging on the wall for decoration at Little Tallawangra, Mudgee NSW.


The ribbons were won by the Bodalla Company for showing Guernsey bulls and cows at Bega, Dapto, Sydney Royal Easter and Berry shows between 1959 and 1961.

Related Quilts:

Rozanne Andrew
Quilt, single bed size, made from reused clothing roughly handstitched on to a backing of a wool/linen blanket type fabric in green, cream and brown stripes. Clothing is fronts and backs of old jumpers, vests etc as well as opened out sleeves in red, brown and grey. They are stitched together in several layers with long stitches. Another top may have been intended to cover the stitched down layers of clothing.
1500 x 1040mm
Gillian Erratt
Patchwork quilt made of pieced blocks in the 'Shoofly' pattern, in white cotton and a red, white and blue geometric cotton print. Alternate squares are in the print. The border is made of same size squares in the print. No padding. The backing is a sheet. Hand sewn.
1829 x 1829mm
Colleen Whitaker
Quilt top, all cotton. Center frame is 600mm square of calico on to which is appliqued red material in an elaborate cut out design. Radiating rows of mainly red and blue triangles. Other materials include, white with abstract plants scattered across it, pink with pin print white dots, white and maroon herringbone with small white flowers with maroon leaf sprays spread 25mm apart. The border is a strip of red not hemmed but with selvedges on the long sides. The quilt is all hand sewn with small back stitch, running stitch and hemming.
N.S.W. Parks and Wildlife Service
Double sided quilt with both sides based on a central frame. One side has centre panel of darks surrounding 4 patch of the same print in different colourways. This is surrounded by borders of rectanglesis small prints, checks and stripes. The outer border is men's suitings. The other side has a centre frame similar to the 'Broken Dushes' pattern surrounded by wide borders in solid colours, paisley and fine checks. There is a dark strip across the top and bottom. It is roughly machine quilted.
1770 x 1380mm
Bill & Barbara Meynink
Patchwork quilt made from brightly coloured printed cotton fabrics in hexagon patches hand sewn together in rosettes, and stitched by machine onto a border of green moire taffeta. No padding. Backing is green cotton satin curtain lining. There is a matching pillow sham.
2591 x 2540mm
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
Machine sewn reversible quilt. Side 1 is rectangles of men's suiting samples in mainly grey, navy and black, stripes and self patterns. Side 2 is men's suiting samples but also includes woollen rectangular pieces in plain blue and deep pink. There is a hand sewn binding of fine orange-brown wool. The padding is hessian and cotton.
1460 x 1100mm