Quilt No.910CD - Celia Dolley

Celia Dolley
Celia Dolley
QLD South West
Kate Cameron
Made in
1941 - 1970
Cotton scrap quilt with shapes of diamonds, strip and squares. The quilt has been repaired using machine zig zag in white cotton. There is no padding and the backing is calico.
2175 x 1625mm

The quilt was made in the 1960s in Bundaberg Queensland by Kate Cameron (born Kelly). It was then owned by Beth Cameron her daughter-in-law (born Sharp) and now belongs to Celia Dooley (born Cameron.) It is not used now.


Kate Cameron (1889 - 1975) was a qualified seamstress, trained at the convent in Gladstone. She went out to people's houses and sewed for 2/6 a day. She made trousers for her 3 boys until they were teenagers. Kate was also a tailoress and was skilled at embroidery and crochet. She made her own wedding dress.
The scraps used for the quilt came from Mrs. Byers a dressmaker in Bundaberg Queensland.

Related Quilts:

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