Quilt No.505WTH - West Tamar Historical Committee

West Tamar Historical Committee
TAS Country
Amy Howard
Made in
1921 - 1940
Wholecloth quilt with both sides of floral cotton. The padding is thought to be hessian bags.
2060 x 1300mm
2060 x 1300mm
The domestic Wagga was made by Mrs Amy Howard and at some later date was donated to the West Tamar Historical Committee in Beaconsfield Tasmania and is displayed in the Grubb Shaft Museum. It is thought to have been made during the last depression.
Related Quilts:
Wholecloth pram quilt with a top of pink cotton sateen, and the reverse is a more finely woven, ivory, fabric. All over quilting design as main feature, with stylised hearts, leaves and cross hatching. The padding is cotton batting. 870 x 660 mm.
Hand stitched, cotton, appliquéd, quilt in a flower pattern on a plain background. Colours are shades of green, apricot and browns. This quilt was known as a 'Bride's Quilt'. Padding is thought to be layers of white fabric raised almost like a wadding. The backing is cotton material. 2470 x 2020 mm.
Wholecloth quilt with one side cream wool and one side faded red wool. Red wool is joined with 3 seams by loom length; red appears to be cochineal dyed. Cream wool side appears to have been made from a hand woven blanket with blue selvidge on 2 sides. It is hand quilted in red wool thread; Welsh patterns including clamshell, Welsh pear, snail or spiral. Centre frame has 2 cable borders and the centre corners have fans. The outer quilted border has alternate 4 petal flowers, clamshell, and spirals.
It is padded with hand carded wool.
1950 x 1935mm
It is padded with hand carded wool.
1950 x 1935mm
Patchwork quilt of multi coloured silks and brocades. Crazy patchwork borders, mainly rectangular fabrics pieced together in diagonal patterns, radiating from a central frame embroidered with flowers. Many pieces are extensively embroidered in a great variety of stitches and motifs; butterflies, sunflowers, cats, daffodils, crown, pawn broker's symbol, 'money to lend', 'good night', the initials of family members and 'mater 1890'. The quilt has a deep border of maroon sateen. There is no padding visible but it is possibly a blanket. The backing is green/gold silk with a self stripe with red cotton damask showing underneath, possibly an earlier backing.
2165 x 2165mm
2165 x 2165mm
Domestic Wagga made from 3 bags joined (the bags feel lighter than the jute wheat or flour bags) and covered back and front with floral cotton featuring large roses in red and oranges. The cover is machined.
1750 x 840mm
1750 x 840mm
Durham quilt. Hand quilted with Durham Feather Pink on one side and cream on the other. Cotton material with a slightly sheen cotton used for the quilting. Cotton wool padding.
2440 x 2150mm
2440 x 2150mm