Quilt No.857AG - Annette Gero

Annette Gero
Annette Gero
NSW Sydney
Made in
1901 - 1920
This domestic Wagga is two layers of woollen army blankets with the top layer in rectangles joined in rows. The backing is hessian bags that originally contained meat meal.
11650 x 1130mm

The maker was the wife of a butcher in Barraba NSW c.1914. It was made early in their married life. It is now in the collection of Annette Gero.


"Waggas like this are typical of the bed coverings made during the 1st World War or during the Depression��..Note the backing fabric which consists of hessian bags in which sausage meal was purchased. The bags are printed with the label: 'RYBIX' SAUSAGEMEAL SOLE DISTRIBUTORS HARRY LESNIE PTY LIMITED. 47-49 MURRAY ST, PYRMONT. 100LB NETT WEIGHT WHEN PACKED." [Annette Gero]

The butcher's shop showing the husband of the maker & their daughter
The butcher's shop showing the husband of the maker & their daughter

Related Quilts:

National Gallery of Australia
"The Rajah "quilt" is a patchwork and appliquéd bed cover or coverlet. It is in pieced medallion or framed style: a popular design style for quilts in the British Isles in the mid 1800's. There is a central field of white cotton decorated with appliquéd (in broderie perse) chintz birds and floral motifs. This central field is framed by 12 bands or strips of patchwork printed cotton. The quilt is finished at the outer edge by white cotton decorated with appliquéd daisies on three sides and inscription in cross stitch surrounded by floral chintz attached with broderie perse on the fourth side. All fabrics used in the Rajah quilt are cotton with the exception of small amounts of linen and silk threads. The quilt shows evidence of being produced by many hands." [NGA] The quilt is not padded or lined. 3372 x 3250mm
Red Cliffs Historical Society
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Catherine Ringwood
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950 x 790mm
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