Quilt No.13JHS - Junee & District Historical Society

Junee & District Historical Society
Junee & District Historical Society
NSW Riverina
Amelia Cuttle
Made in
1851 - 1880
Pure silk hand sewn Tumbling Block quilt incorporating a great variety of silks in plains, florals and stripes. The backing is large rectangles of striped silks or polished cottons. It is hand quilted in a simple square cross hatch.
790 x 1470mm

The quilt was made in England by Amelia, the wife of the Reverend William Cuttle before they came to Australia. The Rev. William and Mrs Cuttle were grandparents of Dr. Ronald Cuttle. His wife Mrs Ronald Cuttle donated the quilt to the Junee and District Historical Society NSW.


Label reads: 'Hand made box pattern patchwork quilt. Made in England by the wife of the Reverend William Cuttle before they came to Australia in 1884. The Rev. William and Mrs Cuttle were grandparents of Dr Ronald Cuttle M.B. B.S. (Melb) FRCS. Presented by Mrs Ronald Cuttle.'
"Enclosed is a photo of a Quilt which we have always believed came to Australia in March 1863 with my great grandparents - Rev William & Mrs Amelia Cuttle. Whether she made it on the way out, or had made it before she left, we are not sure. Unfortunately some parts of it have begun to deteriorate - it is made from mostly silk materials. Some years ago my mother gave it to the Junee Museum where it's displayed in a glass case which my mother provided for its protection. �..Rev William Cuttle came out from the Whitfield Tabernacle Congregational Church, Kingswood Bristol, to be minister of the Geelong (Vic) Congregational Church in 1863."
[Letter from Anne Carter, 1996]

Related Quilts:

The Pioneer Women's Hut
The top is machine pieced patches of used clothing. The backing is large pieces of dress materials and either end patches similar to the top. The padding is a chaff bag or similar with patches of worn, matted children's jumpers sewn directly on to it.
1400 x 1150mm
National Trust of Australia (NSW)
" Double bed size coverlet made of white cotton 'blue bags' fabric (white cotton squares used to hold a measured amount of blueing agent used to keep linens white during the laundering process). Patches are sewn together in the 'Suffold Puff' style - a circle of fabric is gathered up to make a puff. Patches are joined by a few stitches on four sides. Coverlet is edged with a deep crochet fringe, to a depth of approx. 18cm on all four sides���On lining is written in black ink: 'C.Bleagard Baby Ken'. " [NT NSW]
2570 x 2380mm
Diana Cameron
Small patchwork piece possibly made from salesman's samples. There is no opening in the back so it is not a cushion cover. There is no padding. The backing is green polished cotton. There is a 40mm fringe around the edge.
520 x 520mm
National Trust of Australia (NSW)
Utility quilt hand and machine sewn. The top has a centre frame of hand sewn hexagonal patches in a mix of dress materials and shirtings with four corner flowers and a roughly circular ring in red and blue stripe. The inner border has rectangular pieces in red/yellow/green/white hexagon printed material alternating with a blue/white spot. The outer border consists of large pieces of material, predominantly pink and blue stripes and checks. The backing is mainly red/white printed cotton. It is quilted all over in a diamond pattern. The padding is mainly flannel and has been made from another quilt.
1975 x 1675mm
Glenda Wilkinson
Quilt consisting of 30 blocks 360 x 360mm each (5 x 6). Each block consists of squares and rectangles arranged diagonally and edged with triangles. Each block is made from 2 or 3 different cotton materials, different colours but mainly pastels. It has not been quilted but tied with pink wool with 5 ties per block. Machine sewn with a folded and machine stitched edge. Padding appears to be coarse open weave cotton. The backing is printed flannelette.
2210 x 1850mm
National Trust of Australia (WA)
Frame quilt of dress cottons, including some glazed cottons. The centre is 4 triangles pieced to make a rectangle. This is surrounded by a plain border, a border of triangles, plain border, triangles border, plain border, border of triangles pieced to form squares, square and triangle border, then rows of squares. The outer border is of glazed floral chintz with a brown background. The backing is cream linen pieced lengthways in 3 sections. There is no padding. It is quilted all over in a large clamshell pattern. The top is covered with netting.
2615 x 2280mm