Quilt No.234WG - Win Groves

Win Groves
Win Groves
SA Country
Win Groves
Made in
1941 - 1970
Wholecloth quilt with front and back of green and white check gingham. The filling is made from jumpers, suitings, warm skirts etc. Machine sewn.
1800 x 1050mm

Made by the owner Win Groves in Pingrup, WA in 1966. Now used as a drop sheet for painting, and for packing when shifting furniture.


Made as a necessity for warmth on the farm (Pingrup in WA), when cash was low, and they were new land farming in 1966. Cover of green check gingham was the original kitchen curtains in the first house (1952) in Broken Hill. Machine sewn on a 'Singer' treadle sewing machine.

Related Quilts:

Yvonne Hamdorf
Wholecloth pram quilt with a top of pink cotton sateen, and the reverse is a more finely woven, ivory, fabric. All over quilting design as main feature, with stylised hearts, leaves and cross hatching. The padding is cotton batting. 870 x 660 mm.
John Tomkin
Hand stitched, cotton, appliquéd, quilt in a flower pattern on a plain background. Colours are shades of green, apricot and browns. This quilt was known as a 'Bride's Quilt'. Padding is thought to be layers of white fabric raised almost like a wadding. The backing is cotton material. 2470 x 2020 mm.
Margaret Lyons
Padding for a utilitarian quilt that originally had a wholecloth cover. The padding is up to 3 layers of woollen scraps and pieces of used clothing, including hand knitting. White cotton tacking and overcast stitches hold all layers in place. The backing is a cream wool blanket with woven stripes.
1580 x 1200mm
National Trust of Australia (TAS)
Unfinished small quilt top of pale blue linen with squares of embroidery and silk patches appliqued and embroidered. The centre has embroidered coat of arms of the Baillie (or Bayley)family. Embroidered motifs are flowers, domestic items, anchor, butterfly, fan, basket, gardening implements. Total of 99 patches in silk, linen and cotton.
873 x 845mm
Joan Bradford
This utility quilt/eiderdown has a wholecloth top of faded floral cotton, a frill of the same material and a centre diamond of plain green cotton. The backing is plain green and the padding is kapok.
1753 x 1474mm
Ruth Hansen
Quuilt constructed from large pieces of used clothing pieced together to form the top. There are layers of under shirts once used by the maker's father and also by her husband Bill. The backing is an old cream blanket.
1700 x 1200mm