Quilt No.372FK - Fred Keen

Fred Keen
Fred Keen
NSW Riverina
Rebecca Keen
Made in
1921 - 1940
Patchwork quilt with front and back made from different sized patches of used woollen clothes, stitched in a random manner. Fabrics include men's trousers, and tweeds, checks and plains, in navy, grey, browns and fawn, and some red and white check. Backing is from larger pieces, including large patches of a dark pink, some green and some navy rectangles. Filling of wheat bags and part of a travelling rug was removed because it was too heavy.
1600 x 1000mm

Made about 1940 by Rebecca Keen (1889-1965) of Temora (NSW). Previously owned by Reg Keen, Rebecca's grandson, now owned by Fred Keen, Rebecca's son, and his wife Ena.


"The maker of the Wagga Rug was Rebecca Keen (1889 - 1965) who was the Mother of the present owner, Fred Keen. The rug was made in about 1940. Rebecca was married to Alfred (1909) who broke his hip loading wheat and later managed pubs and grocery stores in country N.S.W. Rebecca was a Temora girl. They had 8 children and it was a tough life. Rebecca often did the cooking in the hotels they managed as well as rearing the children.
Rebecca made 6 Wagga Rugs. One was for Fred and Ena when they were 'keeping company' in the 1930s. It was a double bed size and was too heavy to use as it had wheat bags in the middle. It no longer exists. The others Rebecca made were for Fred and Ena's children i.e. her grandchildren.
This Wagga Rug was made for Reg (one of the children) about the time he was born in 1940. Reg was a bachelor and thought the world of his Wagga Rug. It used to have wheat bags and part of a travelling rug in it but these have been taken out.
Ena recalled that her Mother in law, Rebecca, would come over from Temora and do the mending and patching and make pants for her grandchildren from legs of trousers."
[Additional information from informal interview Fred Keen and Wendy Hucker for NQR, Wagga Wagga, 1999.]

Rebecca Keen with grand son Allan, 1956
Rebecca Keen with grand son Allan, 1956

Related Quilts:

Narryna Heritage Museum
Cotton quilt in 'Wedding Ring' pattern. Background material is calico type in cream and the rings are in pastel colours, yellow, pink, blue and green prints and plains. It is hand pieced and hand quilted and the edges of the quilt are scalloped and finished with a pale pink binding. The backing is cotton and the padding is cotton.
2200 x 1900mm
Lorna Calder
Patchwork quilt of multi coloured silks and brocades. Crazy patchwork borders, mainly rectangular fabrics pieced together in diagonal patterns, radiating from a central frame embroidered with flowers. Many pieces are extensively embroidered in a great variety of stitches and motifs; butterflies, sunflowers, cats, daffodils, crown, pawn broker's symbol, 'money to lend', 'good night', the initials of family members and 'mater 1890'. The quilt has a deep border of maroon sateen. There is no padding visible but it is possibly a blanket. The backing is green/gold silk with a self stripe with red cotton damask showing underneath, possibly an earlier backing.
2165 x 2165mm
Charlotte Nattey
Cotton quilt of pieced hexagons and some diamonds made for a baby's basket. Colours are mainly blue and pink and two 'Punch and Judy's' are appliqued in the centre. There is no padding and the backing is a cotton floral in blues and greens.
760 x 660mm
Red Cliffs Historical Society
Log cabin pattern, each block dark and light strips. 4 blocks joined with dark strips to centre to make larger block. 30 large blocks and 2 sides with half blocks. Each block is machined on to calico. Materials include velvets, corduroys, interlock, taffetas and silver lame. There is a 170mm bottle green border and a single piece of mid brown synthetic for the backing. The padding is probably dacron.
2400 x 2100mm
Mary and Max Robertson
Traditional Wagga rug made from 3 wheat bags joined along the long side by sewing with bag needle and twine. Machined twill cover was put on later in the 1960s. Originally no padding but now the bags are the padding. One of a pair(identical).
1790 x 1160mm
National Trust of Australia (WA)
Hexagon quilt in dress and shirting cottons constructed in frame style with a centre rosette of 7 patches surrounded by 4 borders of patterned hexagons alternating with cream patches. The quilt has an inner border of triangles then rows of rosettes alternating with cream patches. The outer border is triangles. There is no padding. The backing is cream linen and has had a 20th century white cotton sateen slipstitched to it.
2045 x 1940mm