Hexagon Quilts

Gwen Cordinglay
Patchwork quilt made from hexagon patches in silks and rayons, in pinks, blues, red, yellow mainly, with pastels. No padding. Bordered and backed with green satin.
1829 x 1372mm
Annette Gero
Hexagon quilt made from dimity, chintzes and dress material cottons. It is hand pieced over papers and hand quilted. The quilt is signed 'Sarah Wall Allestry 1811'.
2280 x 2200mm
Annette Gero
Large silk hexagon quilt with a centre motif of hexagons then a square of hexagons smaller than the rest of the quilt. It is hand pieced over papers using the English method. A backing of green cotton is more recent.
2370 x 2230mm
Cressida Mary Webb Challis
Random pattern of whipstitched hexagons surrounding central hexagonal frame with radiating rows in turkey red. Many papers are still in place. The materials are thought to date from about 1880 to 1900 and are subtle colours in reds, blues, purples and creams. There is no padding. The backing is beige linen machine stitched at the edge.
2060 x 1740mm
Mary Holland
Unfinished piece of hexagon patchwork with letters as templates still in place. One hexagon has date '1876' and one has a 2p postage stamp. Wide variety of materials, mainly cottons, a few printed wools, linens, some glazed furnishing fabrics, some block prints. All hand stitched.
560 x 510mm
Annette Gero
Quilt top of hexagon rosettes each with 4 rows of hexagons around one in the centre. It is hand pieced over papers and the papers include cut up old letters and envelopes and several of the papers are dated 1830 and 1831. In the centre of the quilt is a small square of chintz depicting a cupid amongst flowers. Materials include cambrics, chintzes, muslins and dimities and the quilt owner noted that these types of materials were imported into Australia from England around the 1830s.
2740 x 2310mm
Powerhouse Museum
"A rectangular quilt made from hexagonal cotton patches, pieced in the traditional 'Grandmother's flower garden' design of scattered rosettes on a plain ground. The rosettes are made from six patterned hexagons around a seventh cream hexagon, which forms the flower centre. The patterned fabrics are a mix of small floral prints with some checks and geometric designs, and the colours are mainly shades of brown, blue maroon, pink and lilac. The ground fabric is plain cream. The quilt was made the English way and is hand sewn. Traces of the paper templates still remain." [PHM] There is no padding or backing.
2170 x 1975mm
Gail Hansen for P.Farthing
Quilt of hand pieced (running stitch) hexagons formed into rosettes or 'flowers'. This pattern is commonly known as 'Grandmother's Flower Garden'. The materials are calico, plain and floral prints, some thought to be dress materials and some from flour'sacks'. The padding is cotton and the backing calico.
2160 x 1780mm
Ros Wight
Part patchwork quilt of hand sewn hexagon patches in a variety of coloured cottons including seersucker, gingham and headcloth. Hexagons are grouped in rosettes each of 7 hexagons. It is incomplete but in worn condition.
2050 x 1280mm
Annette Gero
Hand pieced hexagon quilt in the pattern known as 'Grandmother's Flower Garden'. It is hand pieced over papers and hand quilted.
2150 x 1500mm
Julie White
Hand stitched hexagon quilt in a wide variety of patterned cottons. Made completely from dressmaking scraps from clothes made for the maker's children and grand children. The hexagons are randomly placed. There is no padding and the backing is fawn cotton. 2260 x 1430mm.
The Queensland Women's Historical Assoc.
Silk quilt of rosettes of 6 hexagons round a central one, plain and patterned materials. Hexagons are in rows with dark colour between. Backing is also silk.
2465 x 1779mm
La Dona Anick
Hexagon quilt in the form of rosettes often called 'Grandmother's Flower Garden'. Wide variety of materials including solid coloured homespuns, floral prints and American feed sacks. There is a padding of soft cotton and a backing of calico. 1930 x 1540mm
Margaret Cameron
Hand stitched quilt of hexagon shapes in a random pattern and using a wide variety of materials including satins, cottons, underwear material, curtain pieces. There is no padding and it is backed with black silk. 1500 x 1000mm.
Kaye L-Sittlely
Probably originally a quilt, now part is a wall hanging. Hexagons randomly placed and backed with black cotton added later. There is a padding of carded cotton stitched by hand. The hanging has a twisted cord around it, once crimson, now brownish. 580 x 400mm
Kathleen White
Patchwork quilt (one of a pair) made from hexagons in cottons, rayon, and taffeta, to fit a single bed. The quilt has a pleated ruffle or flounce of pale green fabric. Patchwork machine sewn onto backing, flounce sewn by machine.
Constance Real
Quilt of hand sewn cotton hexagons arranged in rosettes or 'flowers'. The padding is seedless cotton imported from America and the backing is madapolin. The scraps for the hexagons came from old dresses and especially from the owner's children's clothes.
2591 x 2337mm
National Trust of Australia (SA)
Patchwork quilt made from silks in hexagon shapes with dark silk triangles in between the hexagons. The centre of the quilt has a star design with an embroidered hexagon with six star points, with diamonds and hexagons, surrounded by a border of dark coloured diamonds on a cream ground. The quilt is edged with deep single scallops in alternate dark blue and white each with an appliqued six point star with a hexagon centre.
Diane Boynes
Quilt top in 38mm hexagons set in straight rows surrounded by cream hexagons with an odd coloured hexagon in middle of cream row. Papers have been removed. Fabrics are 1920s and 1930s. There is no padding. 1700 x 1000mm
Charlotte Nattey
Quilt made entirely of hexagon pieces, some forming diamonds and some rosettes. It is bordered with red and beige fringing. There is no padding and it is backed with silk shantung. "I think it is from scraps from between the 2 world wars but some may have been bought. They are the 'art silk' pieces. Most of it is in various silks and satins and there are some small pieces of linen." [C.N.]
