Quilt No.695HL - Heather Leonard

1620 x 1180mm
This blanket was made by Hilda Kyffin at her house in Moorabbin sometime post war. It is made from a great coat worn by her husband during the second world war. It was used to cover Hilda's double bed mattress against winter chills until 1985. It is now owned by her daughter and is not used.
"My mother was incredibly resourceful having come from a family of seven children and struggled through the depression and the war. She had great respect for 'proper woollen material' which was strictly rationed in wartime����
My mother joined the Moorabbin Country Women's Association after the war and was a back bone member until 1985. She was active in crafts and charity work with them. Fortunately I have been able to save many examples of their traditional craft which she made. Re-using things was their stock in trade."
[Heather Leonard 20.10.2000]

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