Pieced Random Quilts
Quilt top of log cabin blocks in white and faded blue cotton twill. The blocks are joined so that the blue sections meet. The blocks are backed with flannel, and the quilt is edged with blue binding, machine and hand sewn.
2050 x 1860mm
2050 x 1860mm
Quilt of log cabin blocks, hand pieced on to foundation fabric of white cotton. Each block consists of 4 logs per side, in 1cm strips, with 3cm centres. Blocks are mostly divided into dark and light prints, with red, blue, white, pink predominating, and dark colours meeting together. The outside log on each side is turned over to the back and stitched to the foundation fabric, then squares are stitched together. Cotton fabrics, shirting and twills.
1990 x 1600mm
1990 x 1600mm
The quilt top combines various scarps of silk in an informal pattern of flowers made from individual silk petals with a large flower in the centre. There is crazy patchwork in between the flowers. The pieces are sewn on with feather stitch, blanket stitch and satin stitch. There is a 37cm ruffle on the two long sides. There is no padding and the backing is silk.
2140 x 1550mm
2140 x 1550mm
Small quilt probably made for a child's doll or for a pram. It is entirely made of white broderie anglais pieced in a crazy patchwork style. There is a wide lace border around the quilt.
740 x 580mm
740 x 580mm
Patchwork quilt in the Log Cabin pattern, with a variation where the centre square is pieced from a dark and light triangle. Used materials make up the strips, and include cottons, velvet, bombazine, men's trouser fabric, and the quilt has a handmade lace border. Pieces of red cloth stand out. Strips are machine stitched onto a backing made from flour bags. There is no padding. Backing is made of crazy patchwork with feather stitch on some seams. Machine sewn.
1470 x 1070mm
1470 x 1070mm
Machine stitched quilt with the top constructed from men's woollen suiting pieces.There are many repairs and the cream patches are recent additions. The padding is layers of blanket pieces. The quilt is very heavy.
1800 x 1600mm
1800 x 1600mm
Patchwork quilt with front and back made from different sized patches of used woollen clothes, stitched in a random manner. Fabrics include men's trousers, and tweeds, checks and plains, in navy, grey, browns and fawn, and some red and white check. Backing is from larger pieces, including large patches of a dark pink, some green and some navy rectangles. Filling of wheat bags and part of a travelling rug was removed because it was too heavy.
1600 x 1000mm
1600 x 1000mm
Patchwork Victorian style crazy quilt with 100s of irregular shaped pieces of velvet, silk, cotton sateen, brocade, ribbons and beading. Many pieces have been embroidered with decorative motifs or names. The centre olive green velvet piece is embroidered 'DC 1898', another 'Mother', two names are just readable - 'Louise' and 'Constance A Kenworth'. Several sprigs of raised wattle and leaves are also embroidered on black velvet. Patchwork has a 13cm wide border of olive green velvet with a twisted cord of 3 greens stitched to the edge. Padding is of white cotton flannelette, backing of mid brown cotton sateen.
1580mm x 1400mm
1580mm x 1400mm
Patchwork quilt, the top made from large squares and rectangles of woollen material pieced in a random manner. Colours are bright pink and green, with brown, blue and grey check pieces. Padding is flannelette and an old singlet. Backing is made of scraps of woollen material.
1350 x 1000mm
1350 x 1000mm
Crazy patchwork stitched on to an old sheet. Machine constructed with 2 sides similar. It is made from left over dressmaking materials of the fifties. The 2 sides with cotton wadding in between are bound together with a 55mm pink and white gingham binding.
1803 x 1398mm
1803 x 1398mm
The quilt is made from upholstery scarps machined together in a random pattern. Pieces are mainly rectangles and squares. Materials include velvet and moquette. The backing is also pieces of upholstery material in browns and greys. There is no padding.
1850 x 1150mm
1850 x 1150mm
Hand sewn crazy patchwork quilt, mainly cottons with some rayon and one nylon patch, mostly dress materials with some furnishing cottons. All seams are embroidered in feather stitch in blue embroidery thread stitched through to a calico backing. 3 sides have a wide border of mid green cotton machine stitched on.
2240 x 1670mm
2240 x 1670mm
Utility quilt. Pieced pink brocade type material from old curtains forms panels down both sides. Also used in the other quilt by the same maker. The centre is a single piece of lightweight check material. Single/double thread quilting stitches. The padding is hessian and the backing is a heavy woollen type tweed.
1700 x 1600mm
1700 x 1600mm
Velvet log cabin quilt. The background is black and the colours are shades of pale blue to royal blue, apple green to forest green, purple and a deep salmon. Original backing of artificial silk now replaced (1940s) with striped folk weave bedspread hand stitched on.
1860 x 1290mm
1860 x 1290mm
Square log cabin quilt of 16 blocks (4 x 4 rows) constructed mainly from cotton dress materials, flannels and woollens printed and plain. Machine construction (treadle sewing machine) with the pieces sewn on to cream cotton material. Later addition of polyester padding and cotton backing and the quilt tied off in each square with Perle cotton.
1030 x 1030mm
1030 x 1030mm
Double sided quilt of random shapes of used clothing including flannel, flannelette, cottons and wools. The padding is flannelette.
Patchwork quilt made from cotton materials from children's clothing. Repeat blocks are made in a variation of 'Log Cabin' pattern, a square with 4 borders or superimposed squares forming each block. Colours are yellows, oranges, greens, blues and pastels. No padding. Backing is cotton, and the quilt is bound with cream crepe and silk.
1590 x 1350mm
1590 x 1350mm
Machined pieced quilt in random shapes of squares and rectangles. Made in one piece and then doubled over. Materials are mainly corduroys and wools with a large square of boucle. There is no quilting and no padding as the quilt is heavy and warm without it.
1680 x 1020
1680 x 1020
"A crazy quilt, but even more crazy because each piece of fabric is stuffed with cotton wool. "[Kathy Allam] The quilt has cotton backing, and the seams are embroidered with a decorative feather stitch. Fabrics are plains and prints, most of the prints are florals. The main colours are yellows, blues, pinks, soft greens and dark browns and black, with a light blue/green binding and edge.
Crazy patchwork quilt in silks, brocades, velvets and cottons, each piece outlined in double herringbone stitches worked in yellow silk thread. Some pieces are embroidered in long stitch in silk and feature flowers such as fuchsias, water lilies, daisies. There are also birds, oriental figures, Kate Greenaway figures. There is no padding and the pieces are stitched on to white cotton. The backing is polished black cotton and the layers are fastened with yellow ties. The quilt is finished around the edge with black cord with 2 loops and a black fringed tassel at each corner. 1580 x 1500 mm.