Historic People
John Flynn Place houses the Royal Flying Doctor Service Museum. It contains memorabilia of John Flynn, the Australian Inland Mission etc. The Fred McKay Art Gallery houses major works including prize winners from the Ernst Henry Memorial Art Show. The complex also contains the Alfred Traeger Cultural Centre and the Allan Vickers Outdoor Theatre.There are 3 levels in the Museum Building. Ground floor: John Flynn Gallery with memorabilia on John Flynn and the Flying Doctor Service. Downstairs you will find the Radio Gallery, with original Pedal Wireless plus photographs, radios, first aid...
A display of smaller objects and pictorial and written material of local and cultural significance attached to Cunnamulla Library.This is a small but interesting collection with a library in front. It mostly consists of written and pictorial items of historical and cultural significance including, old photographs and items such as bottles, irons, books, aboriginal stones and old types of equipment.
The Beaudesert Historical Society and Information Centre was founded on 11th April, 1961 and has had its headquarters in the Historical Complex situated in Brisbane St. Beaudesert. The building also houses the museum collection. The Pioneer Cottage, originally built in 1875 by a pioneer on his Kerry property, was given to the society by his grandchildren and rebuilt entirely of hand hewn timbers, slats and shingle roof and finished with a four-poster bed, large cedar side-board and numerous articles that portray the life of the early pioneers.
The new museum houses a comprehensive display of...
The new museum houses a comprehensive display of...
The Raspberry Creek Homestead was moved to Byfield from the Shoalwater Bay Military area in 1987. Its buildings and items are appropriate to a remote cattle property pre 1950. The site includes a library, and museum artefacts will be on display for special occasions.
This heritage-listed woolscour, that once operated by steam, has been left intact as a living document. It is this last one of this type in Australia. There is a 20 stand shearing shed attached to the wool washing complex and an open flowing bore nearby. Outbuildings include a cookhouse, shearers quarters and managers residence. It has been left mainly intact and conservation work completed in 2002 reintroduced steam to the site.The collection consists mainly of historic machinery and buildings, large boilers, steam engines, wool wash troughs, large steam driven dryers, historic wool presses...
Loudoun House Museum, former home of John Moffat, Queensland's greatest mining entrepreneur, was built in 1884 from North Queensland red cedar. It houses a mineral collection and memorabilia from the early mining days of this area, a very extensive photographic collection which depicts the town and life as it was in the early years of this century. It also has a good archival collection on mining history.3,000 photographs, 20,000 items
The museum is in a fully furnished (c 1900) house and preserves a record of the history of the district through the home and furnishings, some farm machinery, sheds, tools, a slab shed and harness. The dairy industry and butter factory artefacts are featured. The museum also includes an extensive collection of photographs and a growing collection of the histories of people in the town and district.890 articles plus 820 photographs
The Society maintains a sandstone cottage, built c.1870, which features furniture and household items representing more than 130 years of family life in the district. Collections of photographs, historical items, farming equipment, vehicles and machinery are displayed. Several buildings have been relocated on the site, including a church, slab hut, overseers cottage and an emporium building. A printing display includes presses and associated items from the Warwick Daily News.15,000 items
The Museum has a large collection of photographs covering pioneer families, Aborigines, ex-servicemen from World Wars I and II, and modern photographs - all tracing Theodore's development. The displays include the history of early station families, arts and crafts, a pioneer kitchen and bedroom, Aboriginal artefacts, town plans and farm machinery.
The Village features original 19th Century buildings and a War Museum with a collection of memorabilia. The Shell House contains one of the largest privately owned collections of shells in Australia. The Village was established to collect and preserve memorabilia, photographs, narratives and recollections of residents of the area.
A well presented display of the history of Bundaberg and district and its people. Sectionalised into agriculture, industry, commerce, home life, recreation and hobbies. Situated in a Botanic garden complex with a kiosk and other Museums nearby.Estimated 20,000 plus items and photographs. Articles related to everyday living of people of Bundaberg and District; Aboriginal and Islanders artefacts, shells, stuffed birds, files of written information, newspaper cuttings, communication and photographic history.
Fassifern District Historical Society oversees Templin Historical Village which consists of a country church, a store, house/office, school, dairy, slab hut and other museum buildings grouped around a central green to recreate a village atmosphere. The museum also has a collection of historical items and photographs.Estimated 10,000 items plus 5,000 photos
The museum is a collection of historical and contemporary photographs and written material showing the work of the Royal Flying Doctors Service (RFDS). There are also various exhibits such as radios (including pedal radio), medical equipment and aviation instruments. A former RFDS Queenair aircraft is on display and is a highlight of the museum. A film "A Day in the Life of the Flying Doctor" is also shown half hourly.Estimated 200 items
Exhibits at the Chillagoe Historical Centre include a pictorial history of local smelting operations (1901-1943), large mineral samples and a detailed bottle collection, a butterfly collection, old coins and notes, old mining machinery, an entrance area paved with local marble, projectors from a local theatre, local pioneering family histories, Aboriginal and New Guinea artefacts, and old dentist's chair and cameras.Estimated 1,000 items
Set in 63 hectares of natural bushland, the Bribie Islands Community Arts Centre has a collection of permanent artwork. It also has changing exhibitions of contemporary painting and craft work.Studies from both Dale Marsh Bribie island Murals, Aboriginal and local artefacts, gifted works from past members. Mathew Flinders Bicentenary Memorabilia.
The Queensland Performing Arts Centre Museum is the home for Queensland's performing arts heritage collection. Located within the Performing Arts Centre at South Bank, Brisbane, the QPAC Museum presents a changing program of theatrically designed, free exhibitions in the Tony Gould Gallery and throughout the foyers of the Centre. A research service is available and access to the collection is provided by appointment.QPAC collects material about the performing arts in Queensland including costumes, set models, designs and drawings, photographs, programs, artefacts and recordings. To explore...
This historic building (built in 1890) was the home of Henry Plantagenet and Katherine Rose Somerset. Henry was a member of Parliament from 1904-1920. Caboonbah is now the headquarters of the Brisbane Valley Historical Society Inc, and the complex consists of seven buildings: Caboonbah Homestead, Cement Building, Caretakers Cottage (private), the original Worker's Cottage, McGrath Cottage, Police Station and Cell Block. A telemetric service was provided from Caboonbah after the 1893 floods and is still on site and in use.600 collections
The Cooktown Museum is a museum of maritime history with a focus on Cape York/Torres Strait Islands and the surrounding regions. The museum's collection is a tribute to seafaring men who brought civilisation to the Far North. The pioneering history, the gold rush, early cyclones, early discovery, shipping and Chinese migration are just some of the themes depicted in the museum's collection.The collection consists of over 300 photographs and newspaper cuttings; 600 marine specimens including a shell collection; 11 model ships; 5 anchors; 2 gold skips; 8 canoes and other maritime memorabilia.
The Redcliffe Museum tells the fascinating story of the history and community od Redcliffe. Redcliffe, a beautiful peninsula located on the northern end of Moreton Bay, was the site of first white settlement in Queensland with settlers and convicts landing in 1824. Through multi-media and object based exhibitions, visitors are able to learn not only about the Peninsula's past, but also about the character of Redcliffe as it is today.The collection ranges from domestic and farming technology, to business equipment and war memorabilia. A photographic collection is augmented by an excellent...
The Museum is derived from Britain's first social history museum. It was founded in 1934 in England and was brought to Australia after World War II. After nearly 40 years of storage, it now occupies a new building opened in 1986 near Bribie Island, 40 kilometres North of Brisbane. A fine arts and archaeology museum, the museum's collections cover the history of humankind over the last 500,000 years with original artefacts from Europe, Asia, America and Africa and limited collections from Australia. They include works of art, ceramics, glass, metalwork, textiles, sculpture and paper. Each year...