Patchwork Quilts
The quilt is double bed size, white, damask type material with a pale pink light cotton backing. The quilt itself is made up of rectangular pieces which are laid out in a pattern and joined to each other with 'suffolk puff' patches of the same white material. The edge is crocheted wheels with tassels made about 100mm long, hanging about 50mm apart all the way around.
2200 x 1900mm approx.
2200 x 1900mm approx.
The quilt top is large patches of random machine pieced reused clothing. The material for the red check binding was purchased at Green and Petrich, Haberdashery, Queen street, St. Mary's. The backing is an old sheet and the padding is an old woollen cream blanket.
1400 x 1100mm
1400 x 1100mm
Double sided patchwork rug/quilt. Squares, 26 to 28 cms, machined together in strips and then the strips joined. Materials include, pink chenille, red machine knitted wools, velveteen, plain and patterned wools. All materials were scraps or from worn clothing. The quilt was made in one piece and then folded over.
2080 x 1690mm
2080 x 1690mm
Cotton quilt made from a wide variety of scraps, patterned and plain, in rectangles and squares. Machine construction with white cotton lining.
2185 x 1829mm
2185 x 1829mm
Quilt made of hexagons of Chinese silk brocades in different designs and colourways. The seams of the hexagons have been overstitched in black thread in herringbone stitch. There is a wool padding and a backing of silk.
1931 x 1524mm
1931 x 1524mm
Quilt of hexagons on a brown cotton background. Hexagons form rosettes, 6 in patterned cotton around a plain coloured center. 2 outside rows of the same patter. Hand constructed.
1697 x 1259mm
1697 x 1259mm
Quilt in four pointed star pattern, in a variety of cottons, mostly dress fabrics in patterns and plains, but with some upholstery fabric. Quilting is circular arcs. Padding is of cotton batting, and the backing is white homespun. 1970 x 1450 mm.
Double sided quilt of random shapes of used clothing including flannel, flannelette, cottons and wools. The padding is flannelette.
Infant's quilt of diamond pieces in a random pattern made from floral polished cottons in green, blue and white. There is a floral border and binding, no padding and the backing is a polyester pre quilted material. The quilt is hand pieced using the English piecing method.
900 x 900mm
900 x 900mm
Patchwork quilt in a variation of the 'Drunkard's Path' pattern, in cream and orange cotton. Cotton backing. Cotton padding. Hand quilted around patches, with a square quilted in the centre of each white square, and a cable pattern quilted in the cream and orange border. The quilt is edged with 'prairie points' (made from folded squares of fabric) in alternate orange and cream. Hand and machine sewn.
2210 x 1905mm
2210 x 1905mm
Patchwork crazy quilt made from pieces of taffeta, brocade, grosgrain fabric and ribbon, silk velvet, and jacquard woven furnishing fabrics, mostly silk, with some cotton. The colours are a mixture of darks, brights, and light patches. Centre patch has crudely painted flowers and leaves. All seams are embroidered with feather stitch in cream cotton thread. Backing is of calico, which is stained. Handsewn.
1423 x 1372mm
1423 x 1372mm
Quilt made of squares and rectangles of woollen fabric (coating material) in plain, check and woven patterns, in dark bright colours. The backing is a grey wool blanket and the quilt is bound by a light cotton fabric which has frayed. Machine stitched.
1910 x 1530mm
1910 x 1530mm
Cotton quilt of patterned and plain hexagons with central design and borders of hexagons radiating from it. It is hand sewn and most patterns are of roses. Backing is pink sateen and is a replacement backing put on in 1939. Pieced over papers, remnant love letters were found when the new backing was put on.
1981 x 1525mm
1981 x 1525mm
Remnant piece of a patchwork quilt made from 50mm squares of cotton materials with larger pieces making the border. The material is thought to be lawn or handkerchief linen. It is hand sewn in a variety of stitches.
600 x 600mm
600 x 600mm
The original quilt has had 3 covers, 2 of which are still on it. The first quilt, a domestic Wagga, is made from pea seed bags and an old sheet covered with red paisley cretonne. This has been recovered with a red/yellow/brown paisley cotton twill in a pillow slip construction. One side of the next outer cover has a strong vibrant loosley floral pattern with a black background and a border in black, yellow and aqua. The other side is a large piece of cotton with a pattern of abstract rectangles and there are other floral and geometric cotton pieces. There was a fourth layer, a slip cover that is no longer on the quilt.
Polyester/cotton pieced quilt in 'Double Wedding Ring' pattern. Made in the USA. Calico backing and polyester padding.
2819 x 2515mm
2819 x 2515mm
Patchwork quilt made from hexagon patches and pieces cut to the shape of a rosette of 7 hexagons. Fabrics are cottons and crimplene, all hand sewn. Quilt is reversible. Colours are a mixture of dark and light, with plain fabrics, and florals, stripes, spots and geometrics. No padding. The back is the same as the front.
2007 x 1499mm
2007 x 1499mm
An Adelaide Chronicle bird quilt. Alternate squares of green and fawn headcloth embroidered with native birds in fawn squares, butterflies in outline, beige threads, in green squares. Bordered and backed with the same green fabric. It is padded.
2390 x 1530mm
2390 x 1530mm
Hand pieced over cardboard, hexagon quilt using a wide variety of cotton materials in patterns and plains. Buttons are used as ties and placed at irregular intervals. There are the remains of fluffy appliques thought to have been bunnies. The padding is a blanket and the backing is flannelette.
1030 x 820mm
1030 x 820mm
Pictorial quilt, pieced randomly from wool. Hand appliqued and embroidered. It has a central Miss Muffet theme with the spider and cattle under a tree. There is a 'Centenary Border 1836 - 1936' and an inscription 'Good Times, Let's Look Back'. The backing is 2 pieces of plaid suiting in grey/blues.
2000 x 1490mm
2000 x 1490mm