
Unfinished patchwork quilt in the pattern known as 'Grandmother's Flower Garden'. Hexagons are pieced over papers in the English tradition and most papes are intact some with pencilled numbers. 6 hexagons and one in the centre form the 'flowers'. There are 49 fabric samples of varying prints and sizes.
Mirgation Museum
Unfinished patchwork of hexagon patches in cotton, linen and other fabrics. Hexagons have 3cm sides. Fabrics are a mixture of prints and plains, in bright shades and pastels, with reds, greens, blues and pinks predominating. Paper templates are still in place in sections.
980 x 950mm
Child's coverlet, made of woollen squares from suits and jackets.
980 x 700mm
Helen Sparkman
Suffolk Puff quilt in a wide variety of cotton materials patterned and plain. There is no backing.
11900 x 1350mm
"The quilt is made entirely from over 7300 hexagons cut from scrap materials, and is hand stitched throughout using the 'English' method of quilting. Scraps of plain unbleached calico were used for the background with the pattern pieces cut from plain and floral fabrics in shades of blue. The design is medallion style, with a large central diamond surrounded by two concentric diamond borders beyond which are scattered different sized hexagonal rosettes, all made from hexagon patches in the same size. The pattern patches were cut from the offcuts of dresses and dressing gowns made at a friend's factory and from another friend's dress material scraps." [PHM] There is no padding. The backing is 'Actil' unbleached sheeting dyed pale blue and attached with a blind stitch to the quilt top. A central rosette set within a large diamond of hexagons decorates the back and is stitched through to hold the 2 layers together.
2720 x 1880mm
Quilt covered in pink and green paisley cotton material. The backing is cotton. The quilting is machined in parallel rows around the sides and in the centre in a scalloped design. The centre panel corners are finished with pink buttonhole stitching around a small hole. The filling is down.
1750 x 1400mm
White cotton quilt of gathered hexagons. Hand embroidered roses in the centre of each hexagon. It is quilted.
2395 x 2286mm
"The quilt is made of white cotton, slightly padded, and measures 150 x 75cms. The pattern is made up of a large circular design in the centre with smaller circles around the edge, with close lines of running stitches in white cotton outlining the design." [ Victor Harbour National Trust]
Double sided quilt, machine pieced from large rectangles of used clothing in various materials including wools and suitings. The sides are turned in and machined to make a firm edge. It is machine quilted. The padding is 3 old sheets and a blanket.
1370 x 1040mm
Skin rug believed to be platypus pelts, 28 in all. It has a brown cotton backing. 1300 x 900mm
The top of this quilt is made from men's suiting samples and the backing is cream cotton. It is machine stitched. There is no padding and no quilting.
2160 x 1550mm
National Parks & Wildlife Service of SA
Patchwork quilt of square and lozenge patches of silk, taffeta and ribbed silk patches in purples, greens, blues and reds, and pastels, in brocades, stripes, checks and plains. The block pattern is four lozenge patches around a centre square patch. A group of these patches in the dark bright colours form a central diamond, with pastel groups around. The darker colours are used to form the border of 'square' patches. Hand sewn, machine quilted. Backing of [silk], padding is cotton.
2450 x 2100mm
National Parks & Wildlife Service of SA
Child's cot quilt of crazy patchwork, with patches of velvet, silk brocade and satin, all seams embroidered with feather stitch in different coloured threads. There is a wide border of peach-brown velvet. Backing is a floral cotton. Has been in poor condition, conserved by Artlab SA.
1490 x 1000mm
Utility quilt, machine pieced from mainly squares of dress materials in many different patterns. The backing is a wholecloth paisley print. The padding is pieced used clothing and materials including chenille and plush.
1950 x 1270mm
Domestic Wagga made from bags with a top of irregular patches of cotton material, mainly from dress scraps, and a backing of calico.
1578 x 1094mm
Wholecloth quilt with both sides made from heavy, woven, striped cotton in brown and fawn, blue grey and orange. The filling is a grey blanket.
1271 x 1067mm
Migration Museum
Wholecloth quilt with top of dark purplish-pink cotton sateen and backing of black sateen printed with pink flowers. Hand quilted all over with a variety of patterns, including spirals and diamonds, parallel lines and hearts in the borders. Centre has a curved diamond shaped motif within a circular border of spirals. Padding is wool.
1990 x 1730mm
Double bed size quilt, which the owner calls 'Devon Puffs', with main pattern in centre. 2100 x 1800mm.
White cotton quilt of blocks with an embroidered flower in each one. The whole 'garden' is encircled by an appliqued picket fence. There is a cotton backing but no padding.
1840 x 1820mm
Embroiderers' Guild Victoria
Quilt in patchwork and applique. Patchwork is in an all over pattern based mainly on triangles in floral and plain cottons. The centre and the inner border are appliqued. It is not quilted. There is no padding and the backing is calico. It is believed to be an 1840 - 1860 design.
2800 x 1500mm
